量产导入 | Tessent Scan 和 ATPG


Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

Use Tessent Scan to insert full scan.
Write a scan-inserted netlist file.
Write ATPG setup files.
lnsert test logic.
Create, configure, and balance scan chains.
Edit a scan chain order file and change the order of the scan cells.


  • 使用Tessent Scan插入完整的扫描。
  • 编写插入扫描的网表文件。
  • 编写ATPG设置文件。
  • 插入测试逻辑。
  • 创建、配置和平衡扫描链。
  • 编辑扫描链顺序文件并更改扫描单元的顺序。

Tessent Scan Tool Flow: An Overview

Tessent Scan Tool Flow With Commands

DFT Library


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