量产导入 | ATPG_FLOW


Upon completion of this module , you should be able to:

  • List the basic steps of the ATPG flow — from inserting scan to test pattern generation.
  • List the required inputs/outputs for the flow.
  • Set up a design for test pattern generation.
  • Describe the purpose of:
    • ATPG models
    • Test procedure files
    • Dofiles
  • Successfully take a simple design through the following process:
    • Read in a scan-inserted netlist
    • Generate test patterns
    • Save test patterns


  • 列出ATPG流程的基本步骤——从插入扫描到测试patterns的生成。【测试patterns的产生过程】
  • 列出流程所需的输入/输出。
  • 设置用于测试模式生成的设计。
  • 描述以下各项的用途:
    • ATPG模型
    • 测试程序文件
    • Dofiles
  • 通过以下流程成功处理一个简单的设计:
    • 读取插入扫描的网表
    • 生成测试patterns
    • 保存测试patterns


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