量产导入 | SCAN和ATPG



  • Describe the difference between engineering test and manufacturing test.
  • Explain what scan test is.
  • Describe the basic scan test process.Explain what manufacturing defects are.
  • List the common fault models used in test.
  • Explain why test patterns are created.lnvoke ATPG tools inside of Tessent Shell.
  • Use commands to access online help and documentation.
  • 描述工程测试与制造测试之间的区别。
  • 解释扫描测试是什么。
  • 描述基本的扫描测试过程。
  • 解释什么是制造缺陷。
  • 列出测试中常用的故障模型。
  • 解释为何需要创建测试模式。
  • 在Tessent Shell中调用ATPG工具。
  • 使用命令访问在线帮助和文档。


  • Devices from foundry require testing to sort out the defective devices.
    Production testing applies test patterns to exercise devices for defect detection.
    Defect free devices are candidates for shipping to custom


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