深度学习入门(5) - RNN

Recurrent Neural Network

Process Sequences!

Sequential processing of non-sequential data

h t = f W ( h t − 1 , x t ) h_t = f_W(h_{t-1},x_t) ht=fW(ht1,xt)

new state is calculated by f on old state and input x t x_t xt

y t = f W y ( h t ) y_t = f_{W_y}(h_t) yt=fWy(ht)

and output is a applying another function f on h_t

same function and the same set of parms are used at every time step

Vanilla RNN


Truncated Backpropagation Trough Time

Backpropagation through time takes too much memory for long sequences

Instead, do the backpropagtion in truncated chunks.

Make it feasible to train

LSTM (Long Short Term Memory)





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