


发现跟随时抖动的原因了,其实应该按照传统相机的跟随逻辑放在late update里执行,但是由于开发cinemachine的开发组很坑地把cinemachine freelook里的三个轨道Damping值默认给了3,于是相机会以每0.75秒的延时重定位到轨道上,造成跟随时相机的疯狂抖动。

现在最新版本Cinemachine 的Damping是1,不敢想象,之前的3,是有多抖


账号过期了,也无法看到,底层的逻辑是否真的在 Update()里面一直执行,导致疯狂抖动,也无法控制渲染,这个的cinemachine 你们是不是真的敢用在游戏 Runtime??

namespace Cinemachine
    /// <summary>
    /// A Cinemachine Camera geared towards a 3rd person camera experience.
    /// The camera orbits around its subject with three separate camera rigs defining
    /// rings around the target. Each rig has its own radius, height offset, composer,
    /// and lens settings.
    /// Depending on the camera's position along the spline connecting these three rigs,
    /// these settings are interpolated to give the final camera position and state.
    /// </summary>
    [HelpURL(Documentation.BaseURL + "manual/CinemachineFreeLook.html")]
    public class CinemachineFreeLook : CinemachineVirtualCameraBase


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