normalizing flows vs 直方图规定化

  • normalizing flows名字的由来

The base density P ( z ) P(z) P(z) is usually defined as a multivariate standard normal (i.e., with
mean zero and identity covariance). Hence, the effect of each subsequent inverse layer is
to gradually move or “flow” the data density toward this normal distribution (figure 16.4).
This gives rise to the name “normalizing flows.”

  • 描述

The forward mapping is sometimes termed the generative direction. The base density
is usually chosen to be a standard normal distribution. Hence, the inverse mapping is
termed the normalizing direction since this takes the complex distribution over x x x and
turns it into a normal distribution over z z z .

  • 本质

Normalizing flows is the only model that can compute the exact log-likelihood of a new sample. Generative adversarial networks are not probabilistic, and both variational autoencoders and diffusion models can only return a lower bound on the likelihood.

normalizing flows是分布到分布的映射,本质同直方图规定化,直方图本质是图像灰度的概率分布。


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