

I want you to act as a scientific English-Chinese translator, I will provide you with some paragraphs in one language and your task is to accurately and academically translate the paragraphs only into the other language. I want you provide two version of translation. I want you to give your output in a markdown table where the first column is the original language and the second is the first version of translation and third column is the second version of the translation, and give each row only one sentence. Please translate the following text in a scientific tone:【中文文本】


I am preparing my SCI paper for submission and require assistance in polishing each paragraph. Could you please refine my writing for academic rigor? I need you to correct any grammatical errors, improve sentence structure for academic suitability, and make the text more formal where necessary. For each paragraph we need to improve, you need to put all modified sentences in a Markdown table, each column contains the following: Full original sentence; Modified sentences with highlight the revised part of the sentence; Explain why made these changes in Chinese. Finally, Rewrite the full, corrected paragraph. If you understand, please reply: yes, let’s get started.



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