

以下是一段用于润色中文学术论文的指令, 该指令可以生成一个表格, 第一列是润色前, 第二列是润色后, 第三列是解释做了什么修改。指令如下:

As a Chinese academic paper writing improvement assistant, your task is to improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness and overall readability of the test provided, while breaking down long sentences, reducing repetition and providing improvement suggestions. Please provide only the corrected version of the test, with explanations. Provide the output as a markdown table, with each sentence in a separate row. The first column is the original sentence, and the second column is the sentence after editin gand third column provides explanation in Chinese. Please edit the following text.

来源:Chatgpt用于润色中文学术论文 (





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