Jenkins 内置变量 和变量作用域


##  参考


## 内置环境变量地址

##  内置环境变量列表


Global environment

The environment block in a Jenkins pipeline can be defined at different levels, and the scope of the environment variables defined in each level varies:

  1. Global environment: Environment variables defined at the top-level environment block will be available to all stages and steps in the pipeline.
pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        GLOBAL_VAR = "global value"
    // ...

Stage environment

tage environment: Environment variables defined within a specific stage block will only be available to that stage and its steps.

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Stage 1') {
            environment {
                STAGE_VAR = "stage 1 value"
            steps {
                // GLOBAL_VAR and STAGE_VAR are available here
        stage('Stage 2') {
            environment {
                STAGE_VAR = "stage 2 value"
            steps {
                // GLOBAL_VAR and STAGE_VAR (stage 2 value) are available here

Step environment

  1. Step environment: Environment variables can also be defined within a specific step using the envInject step, which will only be available for that step.
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Example') {
            steps {
                envInject {
                            STEP_VAR = "step value"
                // GLOBAL_VAR, STAGE_VAR, and STEP_VAR are available here


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