英语写作中“概念”concept 、notion、idea的用法

一、概念concept、notion 是同义词,一般可以互换,例如:

The notion/concept of public keys is introduced in the paper “New Direction of Cryptography” half a century ago. Public keys have been widely accepted as a cryptographic concept/notion nowadays.(公钥的概念在半个世纪前的一篇文章“密码学的新方向”中提出。它现在已经成为广泛接受的密码学概念。)

Before scientists gave a rigorous definition of the motion concept/notion in the 17th century, people had used the notion of motion for over thousands of years. (在科学家17世纪给出严格的运动概念定义之前,人们使用了运动概念几千年。)

We can determine whether a machine has intelligence using Turing Test. Yet we don’t have the rigorous concept/notion of AI. (我们能够用图灵测试判断机器是否有智能。但我们没有严格的AI概念(定义)。)

二、concept 和notion有细微区别,concept可以指已经严格定义的、广为接受的概念,而notion可以指新概念,


The authors introduced and elucidated the notion of multiple factor authentication. (作者引入并解释了多因子认证概念。)

Our proposed protocol is built upon a new notion of transformers. (我们的协议是基于一个变换器的新概念构造的。)


当需要加修饰词时,使用notion:basic (abstract, theoretical ……)notion


I don’t have an idea of the lifestyle of American people.(我对美国人的生活方式没有概念。意思是不了解。)


The idea of public keys is ingenious which leverages intractable mathematical problems like big integers factorization. Before public keys emerged, it’s incredible that intractable mathematical problems could find their applications. (公钥的思想非常独特,它利用了数学难解问题。在公钥出现之前,很难相信数学难解问题有什么用。)









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