

Newton’ laws of motion are the basic principle of mechanics. (牛顿运动定律是力学的基本原理。)

Maxwell’ equations are the rule electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves follow.(麦克斯韦方程是电磁场和电磁波遵循的法则。)



The idea of/behind deep learning is to extract features of objects layer by layer, analogous to the mechanism of brains. (深度学习的原理/思想就是一层层抽取对象的特征,类似大脑工作原理/机理。)

The idea of/behind public key cryptography is using an intractable mathematical problem as the lock. (公钥密码学的原理/思想是用数学难解问题作为“锁”。)

The mechanism behind the TCP is end to end, rather than hop to hop, transport control. (TCP协议的机理是端到端传输控制,而不是跳到跳传输控制。)


To devise a cryptographic scheme, we follow the criterion/norm that it should be both secure and efficient. (我们设计密码学方案时遵循的准则是它既安全又高效。)


According to the criterion, the campaign they launched is unlikely to be deemed a success. (根据准则,他们发起的运动不可能被认为是成功的。)

Turning Test is accepted as a criterion for judging whether a machine has intelligence. (图灵测试已经被作为判断一个机器是否有智能的准则/标准。)

Every two years, the JPEG committee received lots of candidate techniques and investigated using a set of criteria. Those that passed the test are included in the JPEG standard. (每两年JPEG委员会会收到大量候选技术并根据一套准则对它们进行研究,通过测试的那些技术成为了JPEG标准的一部分。)






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