Kylin Server sp4下nginx安全漏洞修复


root@Kylin:~# cat /etc/.kyinfo


root@Kylin:~# apt-get update




root@Kylin:~# apt-get install build-essential


root@Kylin:~# gcc -v



root@Kylin:/usr/local/src# wget --no-check-certificate


root@Kylin:/usr/local/src# tar -zxvf pcre2-10.43.tar.gz


root@Kylin:/usr/local/src# cd pcre2-10.43

root@Kylin:/usr/local/src/pcre2-10.43# ls


root@Kylin:/usr/local/src/pcre2-10.42# ./configure

pcre2-10.43 configuration summary:

    Install prefix ..................... : /usr/local

    C preprocessor ..................... :

    C compiler ......................... : gcc

    Linker ............................. : /usr/bin/ld

    C preprocessor flags ............... :

    C compiler flags ................... : -O2 -fvisibility=hidden

    Linker flags ....................... :

    Extra libraries .................... :

    Build 8-bit pcre2 library .......... : yes

    Build 16-bit pcre2 library ......... : no

    Build 32-bit pcre2 library ......... : no

    Include debugging code ............. : no

    Enable JIT compiling support ....... : no

    Use SELinux allocator in JIT ....... : no

    Enable Unicode support ............. : yes

    Newline char/sequence .............. : lf

    \R matches only ANYCRLF ............ : no

    \C is disabled ..................... : no

    EBCDIC coding ...................... : no

    EBCDIC code for NL ................. : n/a

    Rebuild char tables ................ : no

    Internal link size ................. : 2

    Maximum variable lookbehind ........ : 255

    Nested parentheses limit ........... : 250

    Heap limit ......................... : 20000000 kibibytes

    Match limit ........................ : 10000000

    Match depth limit .................. : MATCH_LIMIT

    Build shared libs .................. : yes

    Build static libs .................. : yes

    Use JIT in pcre2grep ............... : no

    Enable callouts in pcre2grep ....... : yes

    Enable fork in pcre2grep callouts .. : yes

    Initial buffer size for pcre2grep .. : 20480

    Maximum buffer size for pcre2grep .. : 1048576

    Link pcre2grep with libz ........... : no

    Link pcre2grep with libbz2 ......... : no

    Link pcre2test with libedit ........ : no

    Link pcre2test with libreadline .... : no

    Valgrind support ................... : no

    Code coverage ...................... : no

    Fuzzer support ..................... : no

    Differential fuzzer support ........ : no

    Use %zu and %td .................... : auto


root@Kylin:/usr/local/src/pcre2-10.43# make -j $(nproc)


root@Kylin:/usr/local/src/pcre2-10.42# ./make install


root@Kylin:~# pcre2-config --version





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