Chapter 8 - 23. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

Configuring versus Operating a Shared Storage Network

Another important consideration is the operational state of a network. Just because a network is configured for sharing, doesn’t necessarily mean that storage and other traffic flow through it simultaneously. For example, assume you configured a network with 50% bandwidth allocated to iSCSI and NVMe/TCP traffic and 50% bandwidth for other traffic. If there is no iSCSI and NVMe/TCP traffic at that time, at the data layer this network is no different than any other Ethernet network. On the other hand, if there is no traffic in the other classes, this network operates like a dedicated storage network. In other words, it is “configured” as a shared storage network but not “operating” as a shared storage network. 另一个重要的考虑因素是网络的运行状态。网络被配置为共享,并不一定意味着存储和其他流量同时流过网络。例如,假设你配置了一个网络,50% 的带宽分配给 iSCSI NVMe/TCP 流量,50% 的带宽分配给其他流量。如果当时没有 iSCSI NVMe/TCP 流量,那么在数据层,该网络与其他以太网网络没有任何区别。另一方面,如果没有其他类别的流量,该网络就会像专用存储网络一样运行。换句话说,它被 "配置 "为共享存储网络,但不是作为共享存储网络 "运行"

QoS Expertise

Users with a Fibre Channel background may find it interesting to know that QoS is an integral part of transporting storage traffic via Ethernet networks (lossless or lossy). 具有光纤通道背景的用户可能会发现,QoS 是通过以太网网络(无损或有损)传输存储流量的一个组成部分。

Even if an Ethernet network is dedicated to storage traffic and no other traffic is sent on it, configuring QoS is still needed. This is because you would still need to mark and classify the storage traffic, allocate minimum bandwidth to it, and apply this configuration consistently across the entire network. Even if you decide to allocate 100% bandwidth to the storage traffic, an overall QoS design and configuration is still needed because Active Queue Management (such as WRED and AFD), ECN, and other features are enabled via QoS. 即使以太网网络专门用于存储流量,而不发送其他流量,也仍然需要配置 QoS。这是因为您仍然需要对存储流量进行标记和分类,为其分配最小带宽,并在整个网络中一致地应用此配置。即使您决定为存储流量分配 100% 的带宽,也仍然需要进行整体 QoS 设计和配置


  1. Chapter 8 - 23. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

    2024-03-10 07:54:03       26 阅读
  2. Chapter 8 - 24. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

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  4. Chapter 8 - 4. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

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  5. Chapter 8 - 6. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

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  6. Chapter 8 - 5. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

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  7. Chapter 8 - 7. Congestion Management in TCP Storage Networks

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