重要!!!MySQL 9.0存在重大BUG!!


Do Not Upgrade to Any Version of MySQL After 8.0.37


Recently, Jean-François Gagné opened a bug on bug.mysql.com #115517; unfortunately, the bug is now private.

However, the bug looks quite serious. We at Percona have performed several tests and opened the issue PS-9306 to investigate the problem.

In short, what happens is that if you create a large number of tables, like 10000, the mysql daemon will crash at restart.

Currently, we have identified that the following versions are affected:

MySQL 8.0.38
MySQL 8.4.1
MySQL 9.0.0

We have not yet identified the root cause or a workaround. As such, we suggest that all users do not adopt any of the MySQL versions mentioned until a fix is released.

If you want to test it yourself, just install one of the mentioned MySQL versions and run a script like the one used in our issue PS-9306.



 如果表的数量超过10000个,mysql可能会在重启时崩溃,该bug在MySQL 8.0.38
MySQL 8.4.1 MySQL 9.0.0 三个版本被确认。




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