


1.修改main 表优先级到9999, 作用:eth1 wlan0 访问内网

2.不去teardown 低分数网线


diff --git a/server/RouteController.cpp b/server/RouteController.cpp
index ba305e6..d38aec5 100644
--- a/server/RouteController.cpp
+++ b/server/RouteController.cpp
@@ -721,6 +721,18 @@ int RouteController::configureDummyNetwork() {
     return 0;
+// Add a new rule to look up the 'main' table, with the same selectors as the "default network"
+// rule, but with a lower priority. We will never create routes in the main table; it should only be
+// used for directly-connected routes implicitly created by the kernel when adding IP addresses.
+// This is necessary, for example, when adding a route through a directly-connected gateway: in
+// order to add


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