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1.docker update 命令

	Usage:  docker update [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
	Update configuration of one or more containers
	  docker container update, docker update
	      --blkio-weight uint16        Block IO (relative weight), between 10
	                                   and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)
	      --cpu-period int             Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair
	                                   Scheduler) period
	      --cpu-quota int              Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair
	                                   Scheduler) quota
	      --cpu-rt-period int          Limit the CPU real-time period in
	      --cpu-rt-runtime int         Limit the CPU real-time runtime in
	  -c, --cpu-shares int             CPU shares (relative weight)
	      --cpus decimal               Number of CPUs
	      --cpuset-cpus string         CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
	      --cpuset-mems string         MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
	  -m, --memory bytes               Memory limit
	      --memory-reservation bytes   Memory soft limit
	      --memory-swap bytes          Swap limit equal to memory plus swap:
	                                   -1 to enable unlimited swap
	      --pids-limit int             Tune container pids limit (set -1 for
	      --restart string             Restart policy to apply when a
	                                   container exits
  1. restart命令详解

    Use the --restart flag to specify a container’s restart policy. A restart policy controls whether the Docker daemon restarts a container after exit. Docker supports the following restart policies:

    Policy Result
    no Do not automatically restart the container when it exits. This is the default.
    on-failure[:max-retries] Restart only if the container exits with a non-zero exit status. Optionally, limit the number of restart retries the Docker daemon attempts.
    unless-stopped Restart the container unless it’s explicitly stopped or Docker itself is stopped or restarted.
    always Always restart the container regardless of the exit status. When you specify always, the Docker daemon tries to restart the container indefinitely. The container always starts on daemon startup, regardless of the current state of the container.
  2. 使用命令进行更新设置

    docker update --restart=always <CONTAINER>
  3. 查看是否设置成功,检查RestartPolicy内容

    docker inspect <CONTAINER>
      "RestartPolicy": {
          "Name": "always",
          "MaximumRetryCount": 0


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