
原生的.pt 好使, 转化后的 CoreML不好使, 分类有问题。

yolov8 格式的支持情况

                   Format     Argument           Suffix    CPU    GPU
0                 PyTorch            -              .pt   True   True
1             TorchScript  torchscript     .torchscript   True   True
2                    ONNX         onnx            .onnx   True   True
3                OpenVINO     openvino  _openvino_model   True  False
4                TensorRT       engine          .engine  False   True
5                  CoreML       coreml       .mlpackage   True  False
6   TensorFlow SavedModel  saved_model     _saved_model   True   True
7     TensorFlow GraphDef           pb              .pb   True   True
8         TensorFlow Lite       tflite          .tflite   True  False
9     TensorFlow Edge TPU      edgetpu  _edgetpu.tflite   True  False
10          TensorFlow.js         tfjs       _web_model   True  False
11           PaddlePaddle       paddle    _paddle_model   True   True
12                   NCNN         ncnn      _ncnn_model   True   True

这里可以看到CoreML 只支持cpu, 尼玛tflite也是只支持cpu的

def test_coreml():
    detect_weight = '/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/runs/detect/train64/weights/best.pt'
    model_detect = YOLO(detect_weight)
    results = model_detect(source="/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/zr_yz.MP4",stream=True,classes=[3])

    class_weight = '/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/runs/classify/train7/weights/best.mlpackage'
    class_weight = '/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/runs/classify/train7/weights/best.mlpackage'
    model_class = YOLO(class_weight)
    # 要使用的字体
    fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
    fontScale = 3
    thickness = 1
    img_count = 0

    for result in results:
        if img_count == 6:
            a = 1
        boxes = result.boxes  # Boxes object for bounding box outputs
        for box in boxes:
            cls = box.cls.item()
            conf = box.conf.item()
            if conf > 0.5:
                x1,y1,x2,y2 = box.xyxy.tolist()[0]
                x1,y1,x2,y2 = int(x1),int(y1),int(x2),int(y2)
                orig_img = result.orig_img
                # H,W = orig_img.orig_shape
                cropped_image = orig_img[y1:y2,x1:x2]
                # res_number_class = model_class(cropped_image,save_txt=True,save=True)
                res_number_class = model_class(cropped_image, device = "cpu")
                cv2.rectangle(orig_img, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (255, 0, 0), 2) 
                for r in res_number_class:
                    if hasattr(r,"probs"):
                        if r.probs.top1conf.item() > 0.2:
                            class_name = r.names[r.probs.top1]
                            (width, height), bottom = cv2.getTextSize(class_name, fontFace, fontScale=fontScale, thickness=thickness)
                            cv2.putText(orig_img, class_name+" conf:"+str(r.probs.top1conf.item()), (x1 - width, y1-height), fontFace, fontScale, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=thickness,

sklearn不支持,tensorflow和torch没测试过,可能会有问题。 先跑跑再说吧

Loading /home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/runs/classify/train7/weights/best.mlpackage for CoreML inference...
scikit-learn version 1.4.2 is not supported. Minimum required version: 0.17. Maximum required version: 1.1.2. Disabling scikit-learn conversion API.
TensorFlow version 2.13.1 has not been tested with coremltools. You may run into unexpected errors. TensorFlow 2.12.0 is the most recent version that has been tested.
Torch version 2.3.0+cu121 has not been tested with coremltools. You may run into unexpected errors. Torch 2.1.0 is the most recent version that has been tested.

res_number_class = model_class(cropped_image, device = “cpu”)

这意思是不能用pytorch 跑了吗? @todo, 然后用pytorch 2.0的环境试一下看看怎么样?@todo,

Exception has occurred: Exception
Model prediction is only supported on macOS version 10.13 or later.
  File "/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/zr_yz.py", line 76, in test_coreml
    res_number_class = model_class(cropped_image, device = "cpu")
  File "/home/justin/Desktop/code/python_project/Jersey-Number/zr_yz.py", line 88, in <module>
Exception: Model prediction is only supported on macOS version 10.13 or later.
detect 参数
detect_conf = 0.5172230005264282
切割位置: x1,y1,x2,y2
1. 原始位置:[1648.0953369140625, 882.2176513671875, 1682.9732666015625, 980.842041015625]
2.强制转成int 为后面切出这个区域做准备(1648, 882, 1682, 980)



top1conf:tensor(0.9994, device='cuda:0')

top5:[64, 53, 10, 0, 20]

top5conf:tensor([9.9943e-01, 4.8942e-04, 1.9284e-05, 1.8095e-05, 8.8464e-06], device='cuda:0')


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