摘要Summaries--课时五(Lesson 5)

Linear model and neuralnet from scratch

  • Tabular model from scratch
  • Review Titanic dataset and the two models in excel
  • From excel to python
  • Clean version of notebook
    • What does a clean version of the notebook look like?
  • Get comfortable in Paperspace Gradient
    • How to work with jupyterlab mode instead of default mode?
    • How to swift between jupyterlab mode and jupyter notebook mode?
    • Learn some useful keyboard shortcuts
  • Things to do with clean notebook
    • What are the steps or things we should do with the clean version of a course notebook?
    • Where is the non-clean version?
  • Same notebook runs on Kaggle and everywhere
    • How to check whether the notebook is running on Kaggle or elsewhere?
    • How to get the data and its path right accordingly?
  • Libraries and format setup
    • How much should we know about these libraries before starting?
    • How to make the printed result look nicer in cells?
  • Read train.csv as Dataframe
    • How to read and display a csv file in pandas dataframe format?
  • Find and count missing data with pandas
    • How to check missing data in each cell/row?
    • How to sum up missing data in each column?
  • Choose mode value for the missing data
    • What is the most common choice for replacing the missing data regardless categorical or continuous? mode
    • How to select the first mode value if there are two modes available for a column?
  • Be proactively curious
    • Why it is impractical for Jeremy to explain every common function of every library used?
    • What should you do about it?
  • Replace missing data with mode values
    • How to fill in the missing data with mode values of those columns with or without creating a new dataframe?
  • Keep things simple where we can
    • Why use the world’s simplest way of filling missing data?
    • Does this simplest way work most of the time?
    • Do we always know the complicated way would help?
  • Don’t throw out rows nor columns
    • Do those filled columns sometimes turn out to matter much for the model?
    • How does fastai library help to find out about it?
  • Describe your data or columns
    • How to get a quick overview/description of your data?
    • What do we look for in the descriptions?
  • See your columns in histogram
    • What to do with interesting columns?
    • What can you find out with histogram?
    • What is long-tailed distribution of the column? What does it look like?
  • Log transformation on long-tailed columns
    • Which models don’t like long-tailed distributions in the data? #data-describing
    • What is the easiest way to turn long-tailed to centered distribution?
    • Where to find more about the log and log curve?
    • What does log do in one sentence? 17:11
    • How to avoid the problem of log(0)? adding 1
    • What does the column data (histogram) look like after transformed by log?
  • Most likely long-tailed data
    • What kind of data are most likely to be long-tailed which need log transformation?
  • Describe non-numerical columns
    • How to describe seemingly numerical but actual categorical columns?
    • How to describe all non-numeric columns altogether?
    • What does this description look like? (how it differ from those of numeric data)
  • Apply coefficients on categorical columns
    • How to apply coefficients to categorical columns?
    • What does it mean by applying dummy variables to categorical columns?
    • What are the two ways of getting dummy variables and what’s Jeremy view on them?
    • What does the dummy variable transformation of categorical variables look like ?
  • The secret power of name column
    • Can a model built only on name column score No.1 in Titanic competition?
    • Where to find more about it?
    • This technique is not covered in this lecture
  • Tensor
    • Why focus on pytorch rather than numpy?
    • What data format does pytorch require? How to do this data format conversion?
    • What is a tensor? Where did it come from?
    • How to turn all independent columns into a single large tensor?
    • What is the number type does tensor need? float
    • How to check the shape of a tensor? (num of rows and columns)
    • How to check the rank/dimensions/axis of a tensor? What is rank?
    • What is the rank of a vector, a table/matrix, or a zero?
  • Create random coefficients
    • Why we don’t need a constant here as in excel?
    • How many coefficients we need? How we figure it out?
    • How to create a vector of randomized numbers for the coefficients?
    • How to make the coefficients value centered? Why this is important? (answered later)
  • Reproducibility of coefficients
    • How to create the same set of random numbers for your coefficients each time running the cell?
    • When to and not to use random seed to make your result reproducible?
    • How not using random seed can help understand your model intuitively?
  • Broadcasting: data * coefficients operation on GPU
    • What is broadcasting? Isn’t it just matrix and vector multiplication?
    • Where did it come from?
    • What are the benefits of using broadcasting?
    • simple code vs lots of boilerplate
    • coded and optimized in C language for GPU computation
    • What’s the rule of broadcasting and where to find more about it?
    • a great blog post help understand broadcasting
  • Normalization: make the same range of values for each column
    • What would happen when the values of a column is much larger than the values of other columns?
    • Why to make every data column to have the same range of values?
    • How to achieve the same range for all column values?
    • What are the two major ways of doing normalization?
    • Does Jeremy favor one over the other?
  • Sum up to get predictions
    • How to sum up the multiplication of each row with the coefficients, and do it for all rows?
    • Is the summed-up number the prediction for each person/row of data?
  • A default choice for loss function
    • How to make the model better? Gradient descent
    • What is needed to do gradient descent? loss function
    • What does a loss function do? measure the performance of coefficients
    • What is Jeremy’s default/favorite choice for loss function?
    • Why does Jeremy always write the loss function out manually when experimenting?
  • Make notebook readable/understandable in the future
    • When to encapsulate all exploratory steps into a few functions?
    • Why keep all these exploratory steps available (Don’t delete them)?
  • Update coefficients with gradient descent in Pytorch
    • How to ask PyTorch to do gradients on coefficients?
    • How to ask Pytorch to update values on the same coefficients tensor (not create new one)?
    • What does loss function do besides giving us a loss value? What does it store?
    • What function to run with loss to calculate gradients for coefficients?
    • How to access the gradients of coefficients? and how to interpret the gradients?
    • How to decide whether it is to subtract or add gradients to coefficient?
    • How to choose on the learning rate?
    • How to calc updated loss with renewed coefficients?
  • Split the dataset
    • Why did Jeremy randomly split training and validation set for Titanic dataset?
    • Why to use fastai’s random splitter function?
    • How to create the training and validation set with the splitter function?
  • Encapsulate functions for model training
    • How does Jeremy create functions like init_coeffs, update_coeffs, one_epoch, train_model from the exploratory steps above?
    • How to use the train_model function to see how well the model works?
  • Titanic dataset is a good playground
    • Why so?
  • Display coefficients
    • How to display the final coefficients?
    • How to interpret it?
    • Can we make some sense of the values inside?
  • Accuracy as metrics
    • Why not use accuracy as loss function?
    • What can we use accuracy function for?
    • What threshold did Jeremy use for survival?
    • How to calculate accuracy and put it into a function?
  • Sigmoid function: ease coefficients optimization
    • What you see from the predictions make you think of using sigmoid function?
    • Why sigmoid function can really make optimization easier for the model?
    • Why the two-ends plateau of the function is good for optimization? (to tolerate very large and small values of predictions rather than forcing every prediction to get closer to 1 or 0)
    • Why the straight-line middle part of the function plot is also what we want? 48:58
    • How to plot any function with just one line of code? What library is this? sympy
    • How to update calc_preds function with sigmoid function easily in Jupyter? 50:52
    • Why to make predictions to center on 0 before sigmoid function? (a reply by Jeremy)
    • Do you remember what did Jeremy do to make prediction center on 0? (see how initial coefficients is defined, a cell link on Kaggle)
    • Why allow predictions to be large or small can make weights optimization easier? (Jeremy’s reply)
    • How python with Jupyter make exploratory work so easy?
    • How come the learning rate jump from 0.1 before sigmoid to 2 after using sigmoid? 51:57
    • When or How often (as a rule) should you use sigmoid function to your prediction? 52:23
    • Does HF library specify whether they use sigmoid or not? (probably the others neither)
    • What You need to watch out for optimization is the input and output not the middle for now. Why is that? 53:13
  • What if test dataset has extra columns?
    • What would the normal consequences be?
    • How does fastai deal with it for good?
  • Submit to Kaggle
    • How and why Jeremy replaced a missing value of Fare with 0?
    • How to apply the above data cleaning steps to the test set?
    • How to prepare the output column expected by Kaggle?
    • How to create the submit file expected by Kaggle?

Key steps from linear model to neuralnet

  • val_indep * coeffs vs val_indep @ coeffs
    • What do we know about val_indep * coeffs mean? Is it element-wise? Is it matrix and vector multiplication?
    • What do we know about val_indep @ coeffs? Is it matrix-matrix multiplication?
    • Is (val_indep * coeffs).sum(axis=1) equal to val_indep @ coeffs?
    • What should we know about them to distinguish them properly?
    • In val_indep @ coeffs, when coeffs is a matrix, do we need to specify its shape? 59:50
    • How to initiate coefficients as a one column matrix rather than a vector?
  • Transform existing vectors into matrix
    • How to turn both trns_dep and vald_dep from existing vectors to matrices which responding to coeffs matrix?

Building a neural net

  • Keep linear model and neuralnet comparable in output
    • How to create a layer within multi-hidden layers inside (or a matrix of coefficients rather than a vector of coefficients)?
    • why to divide the coefficients of the multi-hidden layers by the number of layers (or the matrix of coefficients by the number of columns)?
    • Is it to make sure the outputs of neuralnet and previous linear model are comparable?
  • Build the output layer
    • How to build the coeffs of the output layer with correct shape which connects with the previous layer?
    • How to decide the number of output of this output layer?
  • TRY to getting the training started
    • Why Jeremy make the coefficients of the output layer to minus 0.3?
    • What does it mean by this minus 0.3 can get the training start?
    • (I guess Jeremy may tried -0.5 first, experiment to find it out)
  • Adding Constant or not
    • Why we don’t need a constant for layer 1 (think of the constant of the linear model)?
    • Why we must have a constant for layer 2?
    • Do coefficients of layer1, layer 2 and constants all need their own gradients initiated?
  • Building the model
    • What is a tuple and how it is used for grouping and separating the three coefficients?
    • How to construct the prediction function by sending data through layer 1 and layer 2 finally add constants?
  • A neuralnet done but super fiddly
    • How to update all three coefficients in a loop?
    • Did you notice that the learning rate changed again? (1.4, last time was 2, earlier was 0.1)
    • What did Jeremy say getting this model work was super fiddly?

From neuralnet (1 hidden layer) to deep learning with 2 hidden layers

  • Initialize coefficients of all hidden layers and constants
    • How to initialize coefficients of 2 hidden layers and 1 output layer and constants, and get gradients ready for all of them, in one compact function?
    • What are the shape of each coefficient matrix?
  • Building the 2 hidden layer model
    • What are activation functions?
    • What are the activation functions for 2 hidden layers?
    • What is the activation function for the output layer?
    • What is the most common mistake on applying activation function to the final layer?
  • Train the model
    • Don’t forget to update gradients
    • Which are those numbers Jeremy still have to fiddle to get right?
    • Did this deep learning model improve on the loss and accuracy?
  • Dissect and Experiment large functions
    • How to experiment on a large function like the init_coeffs by breaking it into small pieces and running them?
  • Tabular datasets: where deep learning not shining
    • How should we think about that both neuralnet and deep learning models aren’t better?
    • What does it mean that a carefully designed algo beat all deep learning models in Titanic competition?
    • What datasets do deep learning generally perform better?

Framework: DL without super fiddling notebook

  • Why use framework rather than from scratch
    • Why you should use a library framework in real life rather than building yourself like the above?
    • When to do it from scratch?
    • What can a framework do for us?
    • Can it automate the obvious things like initialization, learning rate, dummy variable, normalization, etc?
    • Can I still make choice on the not-so obvious things?
  • Feature engineering with pandas
    • What is the feature engineering with pandas look like?
    • How and where does Jeremy suggest on digging in pandas?
  • Automate the obvious when preparing dataset
    • How framework make cateorifying data, filling missing data, normalization automatic?
    • How to specify the dependent column to be a category?
  • Build multi-hidden layers with one line of code
    • How to specify the shapes of two hidden layers with just two numbers?
    • Do you only need to specify accuray without worrying about loss and activations?
  • Automate the search of best learning rate
    • How does fastai help you find the range where best learning rate locates?
    • How should you pick the learning rate from the range?

Predict and Submit with ease

  • Automate transformation of test set in one line of code
    • How to automatically apply all transformations done to training and validation sets to test set?

Experiment with Ensembling

  • Ensemble is easy with fastai
    • Does framework save so much of fiddling so that experimenting with some advanced ideas become easier?
    • What is ensembling?
    • Is it to combine multiple models and combine their predictions?
  • The simplest ensemble
    • What does a simple ensemble look like?
    • How to build, run and predict with 5 models with ease?
    • How different are those 5 models? (only initial coefficients are different)
    • How to combine their predictions?
    • How much improvement does this simple ensemble get us to?
  • Ways to combine the predictions
    • Why not use mode but mean?
    • What are 3 ways of combining the predictions?
    • Does one is better than the others?
    • What’s Jeremy’s suggestion?

How Random Forest really work

  • Is this a good place to also learn pandas and numpy?
  • Why Random Forest
    • What is the history of Random Forest and Jeremy?
    • What does Jeremy think of random forest?
    • Why random forest is so much easy and better?
    • Why the seemingly simple logistic regression is so easy to get wrong?
  • Pandas categorical function
    • How to import all the libraries you need at once?
    • How to do fillna with pandas and log with numpy?
    • What does panda categorical function do for us?
    • What’s friendly display after the function applied?
    • What’s the actual data transformation under the hood?
    • Key points to make: No dummy variables, Pclass no long needed to be viewed as categories
  • Binary splits: bases of random forest
  • A binary splits on gender
  • Build a binary splits model on gender with sklearn
  • Build a binary splits model on Ticket prices with sklearn
  • Build a score machine on binary splits regardless categorical or continuous
    • What is a good split?
    • Is it good that within each group their dependent values are similar?
    • How to measure the similarity of values within a group? std
    • How to compare standard deviations between two groups appropriately? (multiply by size)
    • How to calc the score for evaluating the splits based on the value of combined std of two groups?
  • Automate the score machine on all columns
    • How to find the best binary splits by trying out all possible split points of a column?
  • 1R model as the baseline
    • What is a random forest? and what is a random forest?
    • What is 1r model?
    • how good was it in the 90s of ML world?
    • Should we always go for complicated models?
    • Should we always start with a 1r model as a baseline model for our problem?


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