2024/4/27 英语每日一段

Now researchers have discovered the more memorable an image, the more likely a person is to think they have been looking at it for longer than they actually have.Such images were also easier for participants to recall the next day. Prof Martin Wiener, co-author of the study who is based at George Mason University in the US, said the findings could help develop and improve artificial intelligence that interacts with humans, while they also offer opportunities to tweak our perceptions, given research has previously shown non-invasive brain stimulation can be used to lengthen a perceived interval.



researchers - n. 研究者

memorable - adj. 值得记忆的

image - n. 图像

recall - v. 回忆

participants - n. 参与者

co-author - n. 共同作者

artificial intelligence - n. 人工智能

interacts - v. 互动

perceptions - n. 感知

non-invasive - adj. 非侵入性的

brain stimulation - n. 脑部刺激

lengthen - v. 延长

perceived - adj. 感知的

interval - n. 间隔



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