Suno AI

Suno is the latest big name in AI, but what is it? 

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Suno AI, including what it is, what it can do, and how much it costs. 

Suno AI是一款由Anthropic公司开发的人工智能音乐生成器,它利用先进的算法和数据模型,能够将文本转化为高度逼真的音乐和语音。该系统支持多种音乐风格,如电影、RAP、翻唱等,并提供了多语言和不同性别的播音员选择。用户可以使用命令来生成音频并进行个性化设置,如指定AI歌手的音色。

What is Suno? 

Suno is an AI music app that allows users to generate two-minute-long, “radio-quality” songs from a short prompt. 

The company launched Suno v3 in March 2024, extending the track duration to two minutes despite the songs themselves taking just seconds to generate. v3 is also the first version of Suno capable of producing radio-quality music. 

v3 featured several user feedback-driven improvements, including better quality audio, more styles and genres of music and improved prompt adherence with fewer hallucinations and more graceful endings. 

If you’re wondering how Suno distinguishes its creations from your everyday manmade song, you’ll be relieved to hear that the company has implemented some measures. Firstly, Suno does not recognise references to other artists, meaning you can’t just ask it to write the next BTS song while you wait for them to return from military service. 

Rather, Suno is designed to accept prompts like “make a song for a heroic desertcore battle”, “make a song for a Sunday study session” or “Make a song for my departed goldfish”. 

Additionally, Suno has developed an inaudible watermarking technology that can detect whether a song was created using the AI music generator. 

“At Suno, we are building a future where anyone can make music”, says Suno on its website. 

“You can make a song for any moment in any major language with just a few short words. Award-winning artists use Suno, but our core user base consists of everyday people making music – often for the first time”. 

How much does Suno AI cost? 

Suno offers three different subscription tiers – Free, Pro and Premier

While there are a handful of distinctions between the three plans, the main differences are the number of credits you get, the commercial terms, and where you sit in the generation queue. 

The Free plan includes 50 credits/day with non-commercial terms and a shared generation queue, while the Pro plan comes with 2,500 credits/month with general commercial terms, and priority generation queue for $8/month. The Premier tier, meanwhile, comes with 10,000 credits, general commercial terms, and priority generation queue at a steeper cost of $24/month.

Suno AI在音乐创作方面具有广泛的应用,可以创作多种风格的音乐作品,包括流行、古典、电子等。同时,它也可以生成自然流畅的语音,用于语音合成、配音、广告等场景。此外,Suno AI还支持多种输出格式,方便用户在不同平台上使用。

Suno AI的V3版本相比之前的版本,具有显著的优势。首先,音乐生成质量得到了显著提升,能够制作各种风格和流派的音乐和歌曲。其次,提示词连贯性的改进使生成的音乐更加流畅和连贯。再者,歌曲结尾质量的提高也增强了整体音乐体验。最后,引入AI音乐水印系统有效保护用户创作不受滥用,防止抄袭行为。

然而,Suno AI也存在一些不容忽视的缺陷。例如,目前的音乐生成模型虽然能够生成音乐,但通常缺乏真实的情感和灵感,这是人类音乐创作者所具有的独特特质。此外,它可能难以捕捉细微的音乐表达,包括音乐表达中的细微差别和情感传达。

总的来说,Suno AI是一款功能强大的AI音乐生成工具,具有广泛的应用前景,但也需要在情感和细微表达方面进行进一步的提升。


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