「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第5篇


「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第5篇

1. Do you ____?


Do you have any siblings? (你有任何亲兄弟姐妹吗?)

Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? (你喜欢在户外度过时间吗?)

Do you have any experience with this task? (你有完成这项任务的经验吗?)

Do you speak any other languages? (你会说其他语言吗?)

Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? (我问你个私人问题你介意吗?)

Do you plan to travel anywhere soon? (你近期有旅行的计划吗?)

2. Do you mind if I ____?


Do you mind if I sit here? (你介意我坐在这里吗?)

Do you mind if I use your phone? (你介意我用一下你的电话吗?)

Do you mind if I borrow your book for a few days? (你介意我把你的书借走几天吗?)

Do you mind if I take a photo of this? (你介意我拍张照片吗?)

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? (你介意我问你几个问题吗?)

Do you mind if I turn up the music a bit? (你介意我把音乐开大一点吗?)

3. Do you feel like ____ing?


Do you feel like walking after dinner? (你想饭后散步吗?)

Do you feel like going for a swim? (你想去游泳吗?)

Do you feel like trying a new restaurant? (你想试试新开的餐厅吗?)

Do you feel like trying a new flavor?(你想尝试一个新口味吗?)

Do you feel like taking a nap(你想睡个午觉吗?)

Do you feel like trying a new hairstyle/haircut? (你想换一个新发型吗?)

4. Did you use to ____?


Did you use to live in this city? (你以前是不是住在这个城市?)

Did you use to play basketball? (你以前是不是打篮球?)

Did you use to collect stamps? (你以前是不是集邮?)

Did you use to be more outgoing?(你以前是不是更外向? )

Did you use to work out a lot?(你以前是不是经常健身?)

Did you use to play the piano? (你以前是不是弹钢琴?)

5. Have you ever ____?


Have you ever been to China? (你有没有去过中国?)

Have you ever swum in an ocean?(你有没有在海里游过泳?)

Have you ever tried skydiving? (你有没有试过跳伞?)

Have you ever written a book? (你有没有写过书?)

Have you ever run a marathon? (你有没有跑过马拉松?)

Have you ever met a famous person? (你有没有见过名人?)

6. You could’ve(could have)____


You could’ve saved more money (你本可以存更多钱的)

You could’ve learned how to swim(你本可以学会游泳的)

You could’ve finished the project on time if you had started earlier. (你本可以按时完成项目的,如果你早点开始的话。)

You could’ve made a difference, but you didn’t try. (你本可以有所作为的,但你没有尝试。)

You could’ve done better if you had tried harder. (你本可以做得更好的,如果你再努力一些的话。)

You could’ve helped him out, but you chose not to. (你本可以伸出援手的,但你选择了不帮。)

7. You have to ____ in order to ____


You have to study hard in order to pass the exam. (为了通过考试,你必须努力学习。)

You have to exercise regularly in order to keep fit. (为了保持健康,你必须定期锻炼。)

You have to save money in order to buy a house. (为了买房子,你必须存钱。)

You have to overcome your fears in order to achieve your goals. (为了实现你的目标,你必须克服你的恐惧。)

You have to communicate effectively in order to build strong relationships. (为了建立牢固的人际关系,你必须有效地沟通。)

You have to be patient in order to succeed in this project. (为了在这个项目中取得成功,你必须耐心。)

8. You’re supposed to ____


You’re supposed to clean up after yourself (你是应该自己收拾的)

You’re supposed to respect others’ opinions (你是应该尊重他人意见的)

You’re supposed to arrive on time for meetings (你是应该准时参加会议的)

You’re supposed to follow the rules (你是应该遵守规则的)

You’re supposed to help those in need (你是应该帮助那些需要帮助的人的)

You’re supposed to finish your homework before playing (你是应该完成作业后再去玩的)

9. You’d (You had) better/ You better ____


You’d better apologize to her for your mistake (你最好为你的错误向她道歉)

You better start preparing for the exam now (你最好现在开始准备考试)

You better not stay up late tonight (你最好今晚不要熬夜)

You’d better check your work before submitting it (你最好提交前检查一下你的工作)

You better not make the same mistake again (你最好不要再犯同样的错误了)

You better check the expiration date(你最好检查一下过期日期)

10. If I were you, I would ____

如果我是你的话 我会____

If I were you, I would take a break from work (如果我是你的话 我会从工作中休息一下)

If I were you, I would apologize for my behavior (如果我是你的话 我会为我的行为道歉)

If I were you, I would spend more time with my family (如果我是你的话 我会花更多时间陪陪家人)

If I were you, I would pursue my passion and follow my dreams (如果我是你的话 我会追求我的热情并实现我的梦想)

If I were you, I would take my time (如果我是你的话,我会不着急 慢慢来)

If I were you, I would spend more time with my parents(如果我是你的话 我会多花时间陪陪父母)



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