


我的练习:Higher fuel standards are conducive to reducing environmental pollution, fighting climate change, prompting the benefit for the health of the public, and helping the manufacturer R&D greener and more effective vehicles.

问题 1:Higher fuel standards are conducive to reducing environmental pollution, fighting climate change, prompting the benefit for the health of the public, and helping the manufacturer R&D greener and more effective vehicles.帮我看下我这个句子翻译的如何

问题 2:提高燃料标准有助于减少环境污染、对抗气候变化、改善公共健康,并推动汽车制造商研发更高效、更环保的车辆。翻译成英文,可以有多少种翻译方式?举几个典型的例子

问题 3:带上例句的风格解释

问题 4:提高燃料标准有助于减少环境污染、对抗气候变化、改善公共健康,并推动汽车制造商研发更高效、更环保的车辆。翻译成英文,可以有多少种翻译方式?举几个典型的例子,附带例句风格解释(问题2和问题3整合提问)


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