webscoket 中的 mask 细节


The masking key is contained completely within the frame, as defined in Section 5.2 as frame-masking-key. It is used to mask the "Payload data" defined in the same section as frame-payload-data, which includes "Extension data" and "Application data".

我们看到,这个写的很清楚,掩码是给 payload  进行加密用的,这个位置会产生一个误解,就是,如果我没有 payload 的时候,是不是可以不需要掩码?比如一个 ping 帧,不带任何数据是否不需要mask?



In the WebSocket Protocol, data is transmitted using a sequence of frames. To avoid confusing network intermediaries (such as intercepting proxies) and for security reasons that are further discussed in Section 10.3, a client MUST mask all frames that it sends to the server (see Section 5.3 for further details). (Note that masking is done whether or not the WebSocket Protocol is running over TLS.) The server MUST close the connection upon receiving a frame that is not masked. In this case, a server MAY send a Close frame with a status code of 1002 (protocol error) as defined in Section 7.4.1. A server MUST NOT mask any frames that it sends to the client. A client MUST close a connection if it detects a masked frame. In this case, it MAY use the status code 1002 (protocol error) as defined in Section 7.4.1. (These rules might be relaxed in a future specification.)


因此,你可以看到客户端发送到服务器的ping,实际上是带了掩码的,哪怕这个ping没有任何payload 数据。


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