前端结合 react axios 获取真实下载、上传进度


axios ondownloadprogress中total总为零,content-length不返回?

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 timeout: -1,

由于 axios 已提供下载上传回掉函数(callback),所以我们直接调用就好

import { useState } from "react"

type ProgressStatusType = "normal" | "active" | "success" | "exception"

interface TestReportState {
  showProgressModal: boolean
  downloadPercent: number
  downloadStatus: ProgressStatusType

const [showProgressModal,setShowProgressModal] = useState<boolean>(false)
const [downloadPercent,setDownloadPercent] = useState<number>(0)
const [downloadStatus,setDownloadStatus] = useState<ProgressStatusType>("normal")

// 外层调用
const downloadFile = async (filename: string): Promise<void> => {
  try {
    const res = await downLoadFileTemp({ filename }, state)
    downloadFileAction(filename, res)
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("downloadFile->", error)

export const downLoadFile = (params: { filename: string }, setDownloadPercent:()=>void ): Promise<Blob> => {
  return get(`api/getFile?${qs.stringify(params)}`, {
    timeout: -1, // 不限时
    onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => {
    onUploadProgress:  (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => {
    // Do whatever you want with the Axios progress event


 * 计算进度条百分比
export const calcProgress = (progressEvent: ProgressEvent): number => {
  const { loaded = 0, total = 0 } = progressEvent || {}
  return Math.ceil((loaded / total) * 100) || 0

你可能有疑惑 progressEvent 中所含有的字段,请看以下示例:

 * Events measuring progress of an underlying process, like an HTTP request (for an XMLHttpRequest, or the loading of the underlying resource of an <img>, <audio>, <video>, <style> or <link>).
 * [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/ProgressEvent)
interface ProgressEvent<T extends EventTarget = EventTarget> extends Event {
    /** [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/ProgressEvent/lengthComputable) */
    readonly lengthComputable: boolean;
    /** [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/ProgressEvent/loaded) */
    readonly loaded: number;
    readonly target: T | null;
    /** [MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/ProgressEvent/total) */
    readonly total: number;

axios ondownloadprogress中total总为零,content-length不返回?

  1. 后端在header中加上content-length
  2. 如果使用了Gzip做了文件分块获取到的 content-length 也可能是不准确的,所以可以让后端将此信息新建一个字段解决 例如:
response header {
	custom-content-length: 2040


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