R语言:microeco:一个用于微生物群落生态学数据挖掘的R包,第六:trans_env class


> t1 <- trans_env$new(dataset = dataset, add_data = env_data_16S)
Env data is stored in object$data_env ...
> t1$cal_ordination(method = "RDA", use_measure = "bray")
No taxa_level provided; use Genus level automatically !
The original ordination result is stored in object$res_ordination ...
The R2 is stored in object$res_ordination_R2 ...
> t1$cal_ordination_envsquare()
Error: attempt to apply non-function
> t1$cal_ordination_envfit()
Result is stored in object$res_ordination_envfit ...
> t1$trans_ordination(adjust_arrow_length = TRUE, max_perc_env = 10)
The result list is stored in object$res_ordination_trans ...
> t1$plot_ordination(plot_color = "Group")


> t1$cal_mantel(use_measure = "bray")
The result is stored in object$res_mantel ...
> t1$res_mantel
   by_group     Variables mantel type Correlation method Correlation coefficient p.value  p.adjusted Significance
1       All      Latitude mantel test            pearson              0.52010091   0.001 0.001375000           **
2       All     Longitude mantel test            pearson              0.37732601   0.001 0.001375000           **
3       All      Altitude mantel test            pearson              0.22102713   0.001 0.001375000           **
4       All   Temperature mantel test            pearson              0.45198101   0.001 0.001375000           **
5       All Precipitation mantel test            pearson              0.27905384   0.001 0.001375000           **
6       All           TOC mantel test            pearson              0.13000213   0.001 0.001375000           **
7       All           NH4 mantel test            pearson             -0.05538846   0.918 0.918000000             
8       All           NO3 mantel test            pearson              0.06758353   0.044 0.048400000            *
9       All            pH mantel test            pearson              0.40853579   0.001 0.001375000           **
10      All  Conductivity mantel test            pearson              0.26425041   0.001 0.001375000           **
11      All            TN mantel test            pearson              0.13205237   
0.002 0.002444444           **

 # 环境变量与分类群之间的相关性对分析和推断群落结构的影响因素具有重要意义。
 # 在本例中,我们首先进行了差异丰度检验和随机森林分析,以获得重要属。然后利用这些分类群进行相关性分析。

> t2 <- trans_diff$new(dataset = dataset, method = "rf", group = "Group", rf_taxa_level = "Genus")
> t1 <- trans_env$new(dataset = dataset, add_data = env_data_16S[, 4:11])
> t1$cal_cor(use_data = "Genus", p_adjust_method = "fdr", other_taxa = t2$res_rf$Taxa[1:5])
> t1$plot_cor(pheatmap = FALSE)



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