LLM之RAG实战(三十一)| 探索RAG重排序

​       重新排序在检索增强生成(RAG)过程中起着至关重要的作用。在naive RAG方法中,可以检索大量上下文,但并非所有上下文都与问题相关。重新排序允许对文档进行重新排序和过滤,将相关文档放在最前面,从而提高RAG的有效性。

      本 文将介绍RAG的重新排序技术,并演示了如何使用两种方法合并重新排序功能。






  • 重新排序模型:这些模型考虑了文档和查询之间的交互特征,以更准确地评估它们的相关性。
  • LLM:LLM的出现为重新排名开辟了新的可能性。通过深入了解整个文档和查询,可以更全面地获取语义信息。






  • 无论使用何种嵌入模型,重新排序都显示出更高的命中率和MRR,这表明重新排序的显著影响;
  • 目前,最好的重新排名模型是Cohere[1],但它是一种付费服务。开源bge-reranker-large模型具有与Cohere类似的功能;
  • 嵌入模型和重新排序模型的组合也会产生影响,因此开发人员可能需要在实际过程中尝试不同的组合。


3.1 环境配置


import osos.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "YOUR_OPENAI_KEY"from llama_index import VectorStoreIndex, SimpleDirectoryReaderfrom llama_index.postprocessor.flag_embedding_reranker import FlagEmbeddingRerankerfrom llama_index.schema import QueryBundledir_path = "YOUR_DIR_PATH"

       目录中只有一个PDF文件,使用的是论文“TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language Model”[2]。

(py) Florian:~ Florian$ ls /Users/Florian/Downloads/pdf_test/tinyllama.pdf

3.2 使用LlamaIndex构建一个简单的检索器

documents = SimpleDirectoryReader(dir_path).load_data()index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents)retriever = index.as_retriever(similarity_top_k = 3)

3.3 基本检索

query = "Can you provide a concise description of the TinyLlama model?"nodes = retriever.retrieve(query)for node in nodes:    print('----------------------------------------------------')    display_source_node(node, source_length = 500)


from llama_index.schema import ImageNode, MetadataMode, NodeWithScorefrom llama_index.utils import truncate_textdef display_source_node(    source_node: NodeWithScore,    source_length: int = 100,    show_source_metadata: bool = False,    metadata_mode: MetadataMode = MetadataMode.NONE,) -> None:    """Display source node"""    source_text_fmt = truncate_text(        source_node.node.get_content(metadata_mode=metadata_mode).strip(), source_length    )    text_md = (        f"Node ID: {source_node.node.node_id} \n"        f"Score: {source_node.score} \n"        f"Text: {source_text_fmt} \n"    )    if show_source_metadata:        text_md += f"Metadata: {source_node.node.metadata} \n"    if isinstance(source_node.node, ImageNode):        text_md += "Image:"    print(text_md)    # display(Markdown(text_md))    # if isinstance(source_node.node, ImageNode) and source_node.node.image is not None:    #     display_image(source_node.node.image)


----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 438b9d91-cd5a-44a8-939e-3ecd77648662 Score: 0.8706055408845863 Text: 4 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promotetransparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of ourdata processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama canenable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing aw... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: ca4db90f-5c6e-47d5-a544-05a9a1d09bc6 Score: 0.8624531691777889 Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language ModelPeiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei LuStatNLP Research GroupSingapore University of Technology and Design{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sgguangtao_zeng@mymail.sutd.edu.sgAbstractWe present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advancescontr... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: e2d97411-8dc0-40a3-9539-a860d1741d4f Score: 0.8346160605298356 Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smallermodels with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal languagemodels, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusingsolely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim foroptimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models withmore tokens...

3.4 重新排序


print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------')print('Start reranking...')reranker = FlagEmbeddingReranker(    top_n = 3,    model = "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",)query_bundle = QueryBundle(query_str=query)ranked_nodes = reranker._postprocess_nodes(nodes, query_bundle = query_bundle)for ranked_node in ranked_nodes:    print('----------------------------------------------------')    display_source_node(ranked_node, source_length = 500)


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Start reranking...----------------------------------------------------Node ID: ca4db90f-5c6e-47d5-a544-05a9a1d09bc6 Score: -1.584416151046753 Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language ModelPeiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei LuStatNLP Research GroupSingapore University of Technology and Design{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sgguangtao_zeng@mymail.sutd.edu.sgAbstractWe present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advancescontr... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: e2d97411-8dc0-40a3-9539-a860d1741d4f Score: -1.7028117179870605 Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smallermodels with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal languagemodels, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusingsolely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim foroptimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models withmore tokens... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 438b9d91-cd5a-44a8-939e-3ecd77648662 Score: -2.904750347137451 Text: 4 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promotetransparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of ourdata processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama canenable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing aw...





       RankGPT的想法是使用LLM(如ChatGPT或GPT-4或其他LLM)执行zero-shot 段落重新排序,它应用排列生成方法和滑动窗口策略来有效地对段落进行重新排序。





       请注意,为了使用RankGPT,需要安装较新版本的LlamaIndex。我之前安装的版本(0.9.29)不包括RankGPT所需的代码。因此,我使用LlamaIndex 0.9.45.post1版本创建了一个新的conda环境。


from llama_index.postprocessor import RankGPTRerankfrom llama_index.llms import OpenAIreranker = RankGPTRerank(    top_n = 3,    llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"),    # verbose=True,)


(llamaindex_new) Florian:~ Florian$ python /Users/Florian/Documents/rerank.py ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 20de8234-a668-442d-8495-d39b156b44bb Score: 0.8703492815379594 Text: 4 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promotetransparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of ourdata processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama canenable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing aw... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 47ba3955-c6f8-4f28-a3db-f3222b3a09cd Score: 0.8621633467539512 Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language ModelPeiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei LuStatNLP Research GroupSingapore University of Technology and Design{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sgguangtao_zeng@mymail.sutd.edu.sgAbstractWe present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advancescontr... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 17cd9896-473c-47e0-8419-16b4ac615a59 Score: 0.8343984516104476 Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smallermodels with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal languagemodels, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusingsolely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim foroptimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models withmore tokens... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Start reranking...----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 47ba3955-c6f8-4f28-a3db-f3222b3a09cd Score: 0.8621633467539512 Text: TinyLlama: An Open-Source Small Language ModelPeiyuan Zhang∗Guangtao Zeng∗Tianduo Wang Wei LuStatNLP Research GroupSingapore University of Technology and Design{peiyuan_zhang, tianduo_wang, @sutd.edu.sg">luwei}@sutd.edu.sgguangtao_zeng@mymail.sutd.edu.sgAbstractWe present TinyLlama, a compact 1.1B language model pretrained on around 1trillion tokens for approximately 3 epochs. Building on the architecture and tok-enizer of Llama 2 (Touvron et al., 2023b), TinyLlama leverages various advancescontr... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 17cd9896-473c-47e0-8419-16b4ac615a59 Score: 0.8343984516104476 Text: Although these works show a clear preference on large models, the potential of training smallermodels with larger dataset remains under-explored. Instead of training compute-optimal languagemodels, Touvron et al. (2023a) highlight the importance of the inference budget, instead of focusingsolely on training compute-optimal language models. Inference-optimal language models aim foroptimal performance within specific inference constraints This is achieved by training models withmore tokens... ----------------------------------------------------Node ID: 20de8234-a668-442d-8495-d39b156b44bb Score: 0.8703492815379594 Text: 4 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduce TinyLlama, an open-source, small-scale language model. To promotetransparency in the open-source LLM pre-training community, we have released all relevant infor-mation, including our pre-training code, all intermediate model checkpoints, and the details of ourdata processing steps. With its compact architecture and promising performance, TinyLlama canenable end-user applications on mobile devices, and serve as a lightweight platform for testing aw...





reranker = FlagEmbeddingReranker(    top_n = 3,    model = "BAAI/bge-reranker-base",    use_fp16 = False)# or using LLM as reranker# from llama_index.postprocessor import RankGPTRerank# from llama_index.llms import OpenAI# reranker = RankGPTRerank(#     top_n = 3,#     llm = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"),#     # verbose=True,# )query_engine = index.as_query_engine(       # add reranker to query_engine    similarity_top_k = 3,     node_postprocessors=[reranker])# query_engine = index.as_query_engine()    # original query_engine








[1] https://txt.cohere.com/rerank/

[2] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.02385.pdf

[3] https://github.com/run-llama/llama_index/blob/v0.9.29/llama_index/response/notebook_utils.py

[4] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.09542.pdf

[5] https://github.com/run-llama/llama_index/blob/v0.9.45.post1/llama_index/postprocessor/rankGPT_rerank.py

[6] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.09542.pdf

[7] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.09542.pdf


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