解决无法登录到 ArcGIS Server Administrator



        今天在访问arcgisserver后台准备设置arcgis api for js请求路径时,登录之后出现500错误。Services Directoryicon-default.png?t=N7T8http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6080/arcgis/admin/system/handlers/rest/servicesdirectory



        我实在两台虚拟机中做了同样的配置,安装arcgis服务之后,复制的虚拟机镜像,按理说不可能出现一个OK,一个500的情况,冷静想想应该是个小问题引起的。参考Esri官网给出的原因,Problem: Unable to Log in to ArcGIS Server Administrator (esri.com)


  • When logging in with an account other than an administrator account, a token is required. The error message is returned when logging in without a token or with an expired token.
  • An incorrect username or password is entered when logging in to ArcGIS Server.
  • The browser cache is not cleared.


        清除浏览器缓存搞定!Esri官网原因分析里重点在这The browser cache is not cleared.我这里出现500错误的原因是同一个浏览器来回访问两个虚拟机上的arcgis服务,浏览器缓存影响了系统运行。




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