Android Selinux详解[五]--新增hal服务标签相关


可用于加标签的文件名 含义 对应的声明文件名(一般会声明的地方,根本上放哪里都可以)
file_contexts 给 文件/目录/节点 新增标签 file.te
genfs_contexts 给节点新增标签,与上一个不同的是,不用执行restorecon操作 file.te
hwservice_contexts 给hal服务新增标签 hwservice.te
property_contexts 给属性新增标签 property.te
seapp_contexts 给APP新增标签 untrusted_app.te app.te...等等
service_contexts 给系统服务新增标签 service.te


hwservice.te - OpenGrok cross reference for /system/sepolicy/public/hwservice.te

type default_android_hwservice, hwservice_manager_type, protected_hwservice;
type fwk_camera_hwservice, hwservice_manager_type, coredomain_hwservice, protected_hwservice;
type fwk_bufferhub_hwservice, hwservice_manager_type, coredomain_hwservice;
type hal_codec2_hwservice, hwservice_manager_type;
type hal_graphics_mapper_hwservice, hwservice_manager_type, same_process_hwservice;

在sepolicy/public/service.te中还有一个neverallow,此neverallow意思为不允许domain对非hwservice_manager_type的hal service进行add find权限

neverallow domain ~hwservice_manager_type:hwservice_manager { add find };


type声明类型 解释
hwservice_manager_type 所有hal服务都需要加此声明
same_process_hwservice All HwBinder services guaranteed to be passthrough. These services always run in the process of their clients, and thus operate with the same access as their clients.
coredomain_hwservice All HwBinder services guaranteed to be offered only by core domain components
protected_hwservice All HwBinder services that untrusted apps can't directly access


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