MySQL基本查询 练习

use mydb2;
create table student(
  id int,
  name varchar(20),
  gender varchar(20),
  chinese int,
  english int,
  math int
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (1,'张明','男',89,78,90);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (2,'李进','男',67,53,95);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (3,'王五','女',87,78,77);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (4,'李一','女',88,98,92);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (5,'李财','男',82,84,67);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (6,'张宝','男',55,85,45);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (7,'黄蓉','女',75,65,30);
insert into student (id, name, gender, chinese, english, math) VALUES (7,'黄蓉','女',75,65,30);

select * from student;
select name,english from student;
select distinct * from student; 
select distinct name,chinese+english+math as sum from student;
select distinct name,chinese+english+math+10 as sum from student;
select name,chinese '语文成绩',english '英语成绩',math '数学成绩' from student;
select * from student where english > 90;
select *,chinese+english+math as total from student where chinese+english+math >200;
select * from student where english between 80 and 90;
select * from student where english >=80 and english <=90;
select * from student where english not between 80 and 90;
select * from student where math in(89,90,91);
select * from student where math not in(89,90,91);
select * from student where name like '李%';
select * from student order by math desc;
select * from student where name like '李%' order by chinese+english+math desc;
select gender,count(*) as total from student group by gender order by total desc; 的基本用法













create table emp(
empno int,
ename varchar(50),
job varchar (50),
mgr int,
hiredate DATE,
sal int,
comm int,
deptno int
insert into emp values(7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,'1980-12-17',800,NULL,20),
select * from emp where deptno !=10 order by empno asc;
select * from emp where ename not like '_A%' and sal >1000 order by (12*sal+ifnull(comm,0)) desc;
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,job,max(sal) from emp group by deptno,job order by deptno;
select deptno,avg(sal) as average from emp group by deptno having average >2000;
select * from emp where comm is not null;
select max(sal)-min(sal) '薪资差异' from emp;


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