COMM394 Coding Literacy for Managers

Sales Funnel Application

COMM 394 – Coding Literacy for Managers

TEAM Assignment

Weight 30%


For this assignment, your team has been hired by a small business to develop a Sales Funnel application specific to their business. The business wants to gain insights into its sales opportunities to predict revenue on a quarter-by-quarter basis. The application has two distinct users: Sales Reps and Sales


You are required to develop the application using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, along with writing the user instructions. The application lists Minimal Functional and Non-Functional Requirements that must be implemented, but you have creative licensing on how you choose to meet or exceed those

requirements. You will also be required to identify additional requirements specific to your chosen business.

For example, one requirement is to handle input errors, which can be done in various ways.

• Accept the error

• Provide instructions

• Use a drop-down list

• Use built-in error functions

Note: The elegance of how the requirement is implemented will impact your final grade.


You are responsible for creating and submitting the following deliverables. It is recommended that you

complete the documentation in the order presented.

Company Context (Word)

o One Page

Computational Thinking Solution (Word)

o Three to five pages (it will vary depending on how you choose to represent the information)

Figma Wireframe (Link to you Figma)

o One Figma project with a wireframe for each web page.

Application (Zip file)

o One JavaScript file, one CSS file and one or more HTML files

User Documentation (Word)

o Three to five pages (it will vary depending on how you choose to represent the information)

Requirements Self Evaluation (Separate Assignment on the Course Portal)

o FeedbackFruits Survey

References (Word)

o One or more pages

Note: One Word document and one Zip file must be submitted to the assignment dropbox.

Company Context

In this section, you will briefly describe the situation in which you are building that application.

Computational Thinking Solution

You will develop a solution using computational thinking, and once it is complete, you will use the solution to build your application.

In this assignment, we will only focus on the following steps of Computational Thinking.

• Problem Identification

• Decomposition

• Pattern Recognition

• Abstraction

We will leverage Data Representation and Algorithms in our subsequent assignments.

Based on the requirements of the application, develop the following:

Problem Identification

Based on the company context you developed, create the initial problem statement using the

Computational Thinking class's Who, What, Where, When and Why framework.

• Write a problem statement in paragraph format.

• After the paragraph, write the details of Who, What, Where, When and Why.


Decompose the problem statement into sub-problems and create a problem statement for each.

• Write a paragraph explaining how you broke the problem into sub-problems and why.

• Write a problem statement for each sub-problem.

• Write the details of Who, What, Where, When and Why for each sub-problem statement.

Pattern Recognition

The process of pattern recognition is to list the steps required to solve each problem. Each step must have enough detail to identify what needs to be done but generic enough to recognize patterns across the multiple lists. The goal of pattern recognition is to identify steps common for some or all the subproblems and ones that are unique. Once Common or Semi-Common patterns have been identified, develop a JavaScript function to perform the steps.

• Document the high-level steps required to complete each sub-problem using bullet points.

• Identify common steps amongst one or more subproblems and ones unique in table format.

• For each set of common steps, you will create a function that can be called to perform these

steps across multiple problems. In the computational thinking part of the assignment, describe


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