【CEGE0052】Spatial Databases and Data Management

Step 1

You have uploaded the following options for your Assignment 5 topic choice: 

Topic category: R_90_900_9004: Operation of arts facilities
Topic title: operation of theatre facilities

Bottom level asset table name: sound_room
Bottom level asset geometry type: polygon
Bottom level asset geometry dimension: 2

Middle level asset table name: performance_hall
Middle level asset geometry type: polygon
Middle level asset geometry dimension: 2

Top level asset table name: theater
Top level asset geometry type: polyhedron
Top level asset geometry dimension: 3

Step 2

You have uploaded the following decisions for Assignment 5

Decision: 1: Should we upgrade the sound equipment in the sound room? Upgrade the sound equipment if the sound quality report of the sound room shows deviation from the standard by more than 10 decibels.

Decision: 2: Do we need to improve the sound insulation? If more than 5 external noise complaints have been received in the past year, the noise insulation will be improved.

Decision: 3: Should we arrange for full maintenance of the sound room? Full maintenance if there are more than 15 reported equipment failures in a 6-month period.

Decision: 4: Do we need to replace the sound processor? If sound room receives more than 8 listener complaints about sound quality within a year, the sound processor will be replaced.

Decision: 5: Should we allocate an additional budget for sound room maintenance? If the sound room is used more than 100 times per year, an additional maintenance budget will be allocated to ensure its performance and longevity.

Decision: 6: Do we need to redesign the layout of the performance hall? This decision will be based on sound room upgrades. If more than 10 sound devices have undergone equipment upgrades that indicate significant changes in the sound profile, then consider redesigning the layout of the performance hall to accommodate these changes and enhance the audience experience.

Decision: 7: Should the theater undergo a complete renovation and upgrade? The decision depends on changes in the performance hall. If more than 5 performance halls are remodeled, an improvement plan for the entire theater is considered to enhance the overall audience experience and maintain consistency in the quality of the performance.

Bottom Level Decision: 5
Middle Level Decision: 6
Top Level Decision: 7


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