

本文内容来源于对B站UP 脑洞部长 的系列视频 挑战52天背完小猪佩奇----day24 的视频内容总结,方便复习。强烈建议大家去关注一波UP,配合UP视频学习。



旁白:Grandpa Pig and Granny Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig is drawing a treasure map. Grandpa Pig is burying a treasure.
猪奶奶:Are you ready? Peppa and George are nearly coming.
猪爷爷:Don’t panic!
旁白:Peppa and her family are coming.
猪奶奶:Quick! Grandpa Pig, they are coming!
猪爷爷:Nearly finished!
旁白:Grandpa just finished.

旁白:Grandpa Pig and Granny Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map. Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.
猪奶奶:Have you finished? Peppa and George will be soon.
猪爷爷:No need to panic.
旁白:Peppa and her family are here.
猪奶奶:Quick! Grandpa Pig! They’re here!
猪爷爷:Almost done!
旁白:Grandpa just finished in time!


  • the 特指猪奶奶正在做的那个地图和猪爷爷正在埋的宝藏。
  • 别人在干某个事情的时候,比如在打扫卫生、在写作业、在穿衣服、在化妆、在跟你唠叨…你好了没?/ 你说完了没?
    • 【现在完成时】Have you finished? / Have you done?
    • Are you finished? / Are you done?(生活中更常用和现在完成时的表达意思一样)
  • 某个人马上就到了/ 来了:Sb will be here soon.
    • Quick! Tom will be here soon. 快点!Tom 马上就来了。
    • Tom’s here. Tom 到了!
  • 别人催你的时候,你通常会说:别急 / 急什么 / 别慌,之类的。
    • relax(最常见的)Are you done? Oh, relax! I’m almost done. (almost done)你好了没!别着急,我快好了。
    • No need to panic. 不需要慌,完整版:There’s no need to panic.
    • Don’t panic. 别慌(更常见)
  • 时间卡的刚刚好:just in time
    • 看电影,你进去的时候正好赶上电影刚开始。Wow, just in time.
    • 你在分蛋糕,一个同事正好过来了,你说。Hey, you’re just in time.
    • 收作业的前一秒,你正好把作业写完。I finished just in time.


Peppa: Granny, we are coming!
Granny: Hello, my little ones!
Peppa&George: Grandpa!
Grandpa: Ahoy there, me heraties!(海盗专用术语哈哈哈哈)
Granny: Peppa, George, we make a treasure hunt for you.
Grandpa: There is burying a treasure in the secret place in the garden.
Peppa: Wow! Treasure! Where is it?
Grandpa: You need to find it.
Granny: This is a treasure map for Peppa.
Grandpa: George, you can wear my pirate hat.
Grandpa: Hello, George pirate captain!

Peppa: Granny Pig, we are here!
Granny: Hello, my little ones!
Peppa&George: Grandpa!
Grandpa: Ahoy there, me heraties!(海盗专用术语哈哈哈哈)
Granny: Peppa, George, we’ve made a treasure hunt for you.
Grandpa: Somewhere in the gardenis buried.
Peppa: Wow! Treasure! Where is it?
Grandpa: You have you look for it.
Granny: Here is a treasure map for Peppa.
Grandpa: And George can wear my pirate hat.
Grandpa: Ahoy there, Captian George!(海盗口吻)


  • 来了,就用 sb be here.
  • 【时态】现在完成时 / 过去时都可以,这里用现在完成时,是为了告诉佩奇状况,家里是有这种游戏的。
  • 花园里的某个地方:somewhere in the garden
  • 花园里的某个地方埋着宝藏:
    • Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure! (Some where in the garden 没有主观能动性,动词要用被动态)
    • The treasure is buried in somewhere in the garden!
  • look for 找 ;find 找到
  • 这是给 sb 的 sth:Here is sth for sb.


- 猜台词:
Peppa: The map is a bit of difficult, Daddy Pig, can you help me?
Daddy: Of course, Peppa! I’m good at watching maps.
Daddy: It’s a bit of difficult.
Granny: Haha, Daddy Pig, you turn over the map.
Daddy: Yes, I know!
Peppa: The red cross is the place of the treasure.
Daddy: But where are the two apple tree in the garden?
Peppa: Er…I don’t know.

Peppa: The map is a bit difficult, Daddy Pig, can you help?
Daddy: Of course, Peppa! I’m very good with maps.
Daddy: It’s a bit difficult.
Granny: Daddy Pig, you’re holding the map upside down!
Daddy: Yes, I thought as much.(直接记下来)
Peppa: It’s so easy! The red cross shows where the treasure is.
Daddy: But where in the garden are those two apple trees?
Peppa: I don’t know.


  • 很擅长… be good at…
    • be good at 和 be good with 在表达擅长…的时候,基本上是可以互换的。【第七集】
  • 看地图和看书一样,要说 read 而不是 look
  • 拿,用 hold 而不是 take
    • hold 指的是拿着的动作,take 是指从一个地方拿到另一个地方的动作。
      • 【复习】乐器那集:妈妈把小提琴给佩奇说的是,这样拿着。
  • 反了。
    • upside down 上下反
    • inside out 里外反
    • backwards 前后反
      • 比如:一个朋友穿着短袖,里外前后全都穿反了。Oh my gold, you’re wearing it inside out and backwards.
      • 比如:你是一个服务员,顾客在试衣服,你跟他说这个衣服还可以反过来穿哦。And you can turn it inside out.
  • I thought as much:通常用在别人说了一句话或者出现了一个情况,你早就料到了的时候。
    • Can you give me or lent some money? 你说 Oh, I thought as much.
  • show 不用被动态,理解:show这里是来表明红×的作用
    • The letter says… 信上说。。。
    • The message says… 信息上说。。。
  • But where are those two apple trees? in the garden. 把 in the garden 放在最后很像是自问自答,容易有歧义。所以放在 where 后边。


- 猜台词:
Granny: Would you like getting a clue?
Peppa: Yes!
Granny: The first clue in a bottle. But where is it?
Peppa: Oh, I see!
旁白:Peppa find the first clue. A message is in a bottle.
Peppa: Look! The bottle is here!
Grandpa: Good job! Peppa!
Grandpa: Let’s see what does the message say?
Grandpa: Oh, This is a message from pirate。

Granny: Would you like a clue?
Peppa: Yes! Please!
Granny: The first clue in a bottle. But where is it?
Peppa: Oh, I can see it.
旁白:Peppa has found the first clue. A message in a bottle.
Peppa: Look, everyone! The bottle is here!
Grandpa: Well done! Peppa!
Grandpa: Let’s see what the message says?
Grandpa: Oh, It’s a message from pirate!


  • 我看到了! I see it!
  • 我今天早上看到他了!I saw him this morning. 因为看到他这个事情已经过去了,是今天早上的事情。
  • 让我们看看… Let’s see…
  • 纸条上写的什么
    • The letter says… 信上说。。。
    • The message says… 信息(纸条)上说。。。
  • 陈述句不需要助动词 does


- 猜台词:
Peppa: Mummy Pig, can you read the pirate’s message?
Mummy:The pirate’s handwriting is too bad!
Grandpa: The pirate’s handwriting is very good!
Mummy: No, I don’t recognate it.
Grandpa: Pirate writes very clearly, “Follow up arrow!”
Peppa: Follow up arrow?
旁白:George find the second clue, arrow shape stick.
Peppa: Look! They point this direction!
Peppa: Look! George! A key!
旁白:Peppa find the next clue, a key!

Peppa: Mummy Pig, can you read the pirate’s message?
Mummy:The pirate has very bad handwriting.
Grandpa: The pirate’s handwriting is excellent!
Mummy: No, I can’t make it out at all.
Grandpa: The pirate has clearly written: “Follow the arrows!”
Peppa: Follow the arrows?
旁白:George find the second clue. Sticks in the shape of arrow.
Peppa: Look! They point this way!
Peppa: Look! George! A key!
旁白:Peppa has found the next clue, a key!


  • 形容一个人字差:Sb’s handwriting is very bad. / Sb has very bad handwriting.
  • 形容一个人的字非常好:Sb’s handwriting is very good. / great / excellent.
  • make out 听出来,看出来,辨认出来
    • 比如:某人跟你说唇语,你根本看不出来,就可以说:sb is trying to mouth something to you. Sorry, I can’t make it out.
  • 主语“海盗”对应的动作“写” 是一个过去的动作,也是一个对现在来说,已经完成的动作。
    • 【时态】过去时 / 现在完成时(现在完成时更好,因为正在读这个纸条)
  • …形状的…:sth in the shape of sth
    • 我想要一个恐龙形状的蛋糕。I want a cake in the shape of a dinosaur.
  • 木棍复数,箭头单数,是因为三个木棍组成一个箭头。


- 猜台词:
Granny: Well done, Peppa! Now you just find the treasure chest.
Peppa: But it isn’t more clues.
Granny: Maybe you can see the map again. You see, Peppa, the map has two apple trees.
Peppa: There is a apple tree. There also is a apple tree.
Peppa: So the treasure must be in here!
Daddy: Let’s see it.
Daddy: There’s nothing in here.
Daddy: Wait, there is a thing.
Peppa: Wow! Treasure!
Grandpa: Well done! Well done!

Granny: Well done, Peppa! Now you just have to / need to find the treasure chest that it unlocks.
Peppa: But there aren’t any more clues.
Granny: Maybe you should take another look at the map. You see, Peppa, the map has two apple trees on it.
Peppa: Here is a apple tree. And here is a apple tree.
Peppa: So the treasure must be here!
Daddy: Let’s see!
Daddy: There doesn’t seem to be nothing here.
Daddy: Hang on, there is something here.
Peppa: Wow! Treasure!
Grandpa: Well done! Well done!


  • 我想知道那个秘密。I want to know the secret.
  • 我想知道他告诉你的秘密。I want to know the secret that he told you. 补充说明
  • 看地图,只是纯粹的看一眼,用 look at the map / take a look at the map/
  • 再看一眼:look at the map again / take another look at the map
  • 好像:seem to
  • 等下:wait a second / hold on / hang on
    • wait 本意就是指等待
    • hold on / hang on 的本意是让对方保持现在的状态先不要进行下一步动作,也可以等同于等一下,后也可以再加 a second


- 猜台词:
Peppa: I have the key to open it!
Daddy: Wow! It’s unbeliable! It’s gold coins! It’s worth a fortune.
Grandpa: It’s better than gold coin. They aren’t gold coins. They are chocolate coins.
Granny: And everyone has a chocolate coin.
旁白:Peppa and George like the chocolate coin very much. Everyone likes the chocolate coin very much.
Peppa: Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig, It is the best treasure game in history!

Peppa: I have the key to open it!
Daddy: Wow! I can’t believe it! Gold coins! They must be worth a fortune!
Grandpa: It’s better than that. They aren’t gold coins. They are chocolate coins.
Granny: And everyone gets a chocolate coin. / And there’s a chocolate coin for everybody.
旁白:Peppa and George love chocolate coin. Everyone loves chocolate coin.
Peppa: Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig, this is the best treasure hunt ever!


  • worth 是形容词
    • 看到这个表了吗?可值钱了!See this watch? It’s worth a lot.
  • 什么比什么更好:sth is better than sth。
  • better than 和 more than 的区别:
    • better 的比较级是质量或者性质上的比较,而 more than 是数量上的。
  • everyone gets…分东西的常用说法,最好不要用 has。
    • 因为 has 没有获得感,更多表示常态,比如说每个人都有秘密。
  • ever 的意思是在时间线上的任何一点 = at any time,经常用在这种最高级的句子里来起到强调的效果。


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