3_流量预测综述阅读_Cellular traffic prediction with machine learning: A survey




  • 摘要:
    • review the relevant studies on cellular traffic prediction
    • classify the prediction problems as the temporal(时间的)and spatiotemporal prediction problems
    • 人工智能的预测模型分为:statistical, machine learning, deep learning



  • complex internal(内部的)patterns hidden in the historical traffic data
  • pratical deployment(实际部署):a gap between high-preformance prediction model and real-world systems
  • classification of cellular prediction problems to four workflows and three model
    • workflow : direct-prediction, classification-then-prediction, decomposition-then-prediction, and clustering-then-
    • model : statistical, machine learning, and deep learning
  • a comprehensive(广泛的) collection of eight open datasets
  • evaluation metrics 评估指标
  • potential applications and directions

2、prediction problems and datasets

2.1 prediction problems

  • temporal prediction problem:
  • spatiotemporal prediction problem:
    • the connected users have moved and connected from one base station to another base station, with the process of handover(切换)
      the objective is to predict the entire traffic distribution in a given area or only at the hotspots(热点地区)
  • 这两种问题都可以看做监督学习:moving windows
    • 收集到的流量数据被视为univariate单变量时间序列,对未来的时间步(time steps)的流量预测基于固定长度的历史数据
  • 衡量流量:
    • SMS/call service/internet usage service
    • physical resource block utilization (利用率)
    • number of connected users
  • 流量数据通过基站收集,然后通过cellular network operator 将不同时间粒度的数据进行聚合
    • 流量需求是由网关上布置的专用探头来监控GPRS隧道协议?(这是啥?
    • 一般的假设流量数据只在一个基站内使用(没有传输)或者传输到一个central server中央服务器中(需要足够的计算资源
    • 小的改进: 流量数据不再是全部传输到中央服务器中,而是按照数据对预测精度的贡献性先对数据进行排序,然后再从基站传输到中央服务器中
    • 少数情况下,流量数据是由用户端收集的
    • 大多数时间粒度是5min到1h
  • 流量预测问题的分类:
    • univariate temporal prediction 单变量时域预测
      • N N N个时间步的历史数据: X = { x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x N } \mathcal{X}=\{x_1,x_2,...,x_N\} X={ x1,x2,...,xN}
      • 预测第 N + 1 N+1 N+1个时间步的 x N + 1 x_{N+1} xN+1
      • y = f ( X ) y=f(\mathcal{X}) y=f(X)
    • univariate spatiotemporal prediction 单变量时空预测
      • 流量数据从标量 x i x_i xi变成矢量 x i ⃗ \vec{x_i} xi
      • x i ⃗ \vec{x_i} xi :不同基站的数据使用率
    • multivariate temporal prediction 多变量时域预测
      • x i ⃗ \vec{x_i} xi :SMS, call, and data usages from the same base station
    • multivariate spatiotemporal prediction 多变量时空预测
      • 里面的元素是 x i ⃗ \vec{x_i} xi : 不同空间区域的不同变量
      • 把整个的矩阵变成向量:当不同的空间区域存在于一个规则的网格中时,可以将流量格式化为具有相同网格大小的矩阵

2.2 dataset

(1)Telecom Italia 意大利电信 2015


  • 数据集介绍:
    • This dataset was collected in the city of Milan, Italy, from November 1, 2013, to January 1, 2014.
    • 空域被分为100x100的网格,每个网格是235x235平方米
    • 通过分析call detail record(CDR)每十分钟每个网格提取不同的信息(SMSs, calls, and Internet usage data)
    • 这个数据集可以用于单变量、多变量的时空预测流量问题
(2)City Cellular Traffic Map (C2TM) 2015


  • 数据集介绍:
    • 13,269 base stations in a medium-sized city in China from August 19, 2012, to August 26, 2012.
    • Each data record contains the base station id(基站id), a timestamp(时间戳), number of mobile users(用户数), number of transferred packets(传输包的数量), and number of transferred bytes(传输字节数) every hour. base station location(基站位置)
(3)、LTE Network Traffic Data_kaggle

click on this link:https://www.kaggle.com/naebolo/predict-traffic-of-lte-network(sos没有了)

  • 数据集介绍:
    • 4G data usage within 57 cells in 24 h for one year, from October 23, 2017, to October 22, 2018
    • the locations of these 57 cells are not available->temporal type
(4)、Cellular Traffic Analysis Data 2019


  • 数据集介绍:
    • the traffic packets captured from the user side on several Android devices by using virtual private network tunneling
    • packet arrival/departure time, source/destination IP addresses, communication protocol (e.g., UDP, TCP, SSL), and encrypted payload
(5)、China Unicom One Cell Data

先写到这里吧 : )


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