QML学习——Qt Quick Controls 1 Examples Calendar/FileSystemBrowser(九)

02 File System Browser


  • 演示


  • 使用了自定义的继承自QFileSystemModel的类,在原有的基础上新加了角色(role),并且重写了QFileSystemModel中的data函数、及角色和字符串描述对应的哈希表;

  • 使用系统的文件资源管理器打开该文件的链接:Qt.openUrlExternally(url)

  • 关于QML的几种注册及属性:

    • qmlRegisterType方式注册:

      • 优点:

        1. QML 文件中可以直接使用注册的类型,创建其实例,并与其进行交互。
        2. 支持类型安全,QML 编辑器(如 Qt Creator)可以提供自动补全和类型检查。
        3. 适用于需要多个实例的情况,因为 QML 可以直接创建和管理这些实例。
      • 缺点:

        1. 需要 C++ 类与 QML 之间进行明确的类型匹配。
        2. 如果类具有复杂的构造函数或需要特定的初始化逻辑,可能需要额外的设置。
    • qmlRegisterUncreatableType注册一个C++类型:

      • 该类型不可实例化,但应可识别为QML类型系统的类型。
      • 如果类型的枚举或附加属性应该可以从QML访问,但是类型本身不应该是可实例化的,那么这很有用。
    • setContextProperty():将 C++ 对象或值设置为 QML 上下文的属性,这样 QML 文件中就可以通过属性名直接访问它。

      • 优点:
        1. 简单直接,适用于将单例或全局对象暴露给 QML。
        2. 不需要复杂的类型匹配或注册。
        3. 适用于需要多个实例的情况,因为 QML 可以直接创建和管理这些实例。
      • 缺点:
        1. 不支持类型安全,QML 编辑器可能无法提供自动补全或类型检查。
        2. 只能在 QML 文件中访问一个特定的实例(通常是单例)。
  • 关于Q_ENUM

    • This function is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
    • In new code, you should prefer the use of the Q_ENUM() macro, which makes the type available also to the meta type system.
  • If the model is a string list or object list, the delegate is also exposed to a read-only modelData property that holds the string or object data.

  • Note: model, index, and modelData roles are not accessible if the delegate contains required properties, unless it has also required properties with matching names.


  • TestCustomFileSystemBrowser.qml

  • import QtQuick 2.15
    import QtQuick.Controls 1.5
    import QtQml.Models 2.15
    import TestClasses.QC1.OfficialExample.CustomFileSystemModel 1.0
    Item {
        width: 640
        height: 480
        MenuBar {
            Menu {
                title: qsTr("File")
                MenuItem {
                    text: qsTr("Exit")
                    onTriggered: Qt.quit();
        Row {
            id: row_ID
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.topMargin: 12
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            ExclusiveGroup {
                id: eg
            Repeater {
                model: [ "None", "Single", "Extended", "Multi", "Contig."]
                Button {
                    //If the model is a string list or object list, the delegate is also exposed to a read-only modelData property that holds the string or object data.
                    text: modelData
                    exclusiveGroup: eg
                    checkable: true
                    checked: index === 1
                    onClicked: view.selectionMode = index
        ItemSelectionModel {
            id: sel
            model: customFSysModel
        TreeView {
            id: view
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 2 * 12 + row_ID.height
            model: customFSysModel
            rootIndex: rootPathIndex
            selection: sel
            TableViewColumn {
                title: "Name"
                role: "fileName"
                resizable: true
            TableViewColumn {
                title: "Size"
                role: "byteSize"
                resizable: true
                horizontalAlignment : Text.AlignRight
                width: 70
            TableViewColumn {
                title: "Permissions"
                role: "customFilePermissions"
                resizable: true
                width: 100
            TableViewColumn {
                title: "Date Modified"
                role: "lastModified"
                resizable: true
            onActivated : {
                var url = customFSysModel.data(index, CustomFSysModel.UrlStringRole)
  • customFileSystemModel.h

    #include <QFileSystemModel>
    #include <QObject>
    class CustomFileSystemModel : public QFileSystemModel
        explicit CustomFileSystemModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
        enum Roles  {
            SizeRole = ((Qt::UserRole + 3 == QFileSystemModel::FilePermissions) ? (Qt::UserRole + 4) : (QFileSystemModel::FilePathRole + 1)), //0x0104
        //This function is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.
        //In new code, you should prefer the use of the Q_ENUM() macro, which makes the type available also to the meta type system.
        // QAbstractItemModel interface
        QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
        QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
    //file permissions:
    static inline QString permissionString(const QFileInfo &fi)
        const QFile::Permissions permissions = fi.permissions();
        QString result = QLatin1String("----------");
        if (fi.isSymLink()) {
            result[0] = QLatin1Char('l');
        } else if (fi.isDir()) {
            result[0] = QLatin1Char('d');
        } else {
            result[0] = QLatin1Char('-');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadUser)
            result[1] = QLatin1Char('r');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteUser)
            result[2] = QLatin1Char('w');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeUser)
            result[3] = QLatin1Char('x');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadGroup)
            result[4] = QLatin1Char('r');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteGroup)
            result[5] = QLatin1Char('w');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeGroup)
            result[6] = QLatin1Char('x');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ReadOther)
            result[7] = QLatin1Char('r');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::WriteOther)
            result[8] = QLatin1Char('w');
        if (permissions & QFileDevice::ExeOther)
            result[9] = QLatin1Char('x');
        return result;
    //human readable file size:
    static inline QString sizeString(const QFileInfo &fi)
        if (!fi.isFile())
            return QString();
        const qint64 size = fi.size();
        if (size > static_cast<qint64>(1024) * 1024 * 1024 * 10)
            return QString::number(size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) + QLatin1Char('G');
        if (size > 1024 * 1024 * 10)
            return QString::number(size / (1024 * 1024)) + QLatin1Char('M');
        if (size > 1024 * 10)
            return QString::number(size / 1024) + QLatin1Char('K');
        return QString::number(size) + QLatin1Char('B');
  • customFileSystemModel.cpp

  • #include "customFileSystemModel.h"
    #include <QLocale>
    #include <QUrl>
    #include <QDateTime>
    CustomFileSystemModel::CustomFileSystemModel(QObject *parent) : QFileSystemModel(parent)
    QVariant CustomFileSystemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
        if (index.isValid() && role >= SizeRole) {
            switch (role) {
            case SizeRole:
                return QVariant(sizeString(fileInfo(index)));
            case CustomFilePermissionsRole:
                return QVariant(permissionString(fileInfo(index)));
            case LastModifiedRole:
                return QVariant(QLocale::system().toString(fileInfo(index).lastModified(), QLocale::ShortFormat)); //根据本地系统时间的短格式来设定最后修改时间样式
            case UrlStringRole:
                return QVariant(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath(index)).toString());
        return QFileSystemModel::data(index, role);
    //Returns the model's names. //QML Role Name
    QHash<int, QByteArray> CustomFileSystemModel::roleNames() const
        QHash<int, QByteArray> result = QFileSystemModel::roleNames();
        result.insert(SizeRole, QByteArrayLiteral("byteSize"));
        result.insert(CustomFilePermissionsRole, QByteArrayLiteral("customFilePermissions"));
        result.insert(LastModifiedRole, QByteArrayLiteral("lastModified"));
        return result;
01 Calendar


  • 本地数据库存储数据

  • SQL语句

  • event.h

  • #ifndef EVENT_H
    #define EVENT_H
    #include <QDateTime>
    #include <QObject>
    #include <QString>
    class Event : public QObject
        Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
        Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime startDate READ startDate WRITE setStartDate NOTIFY startDateChanged)
        Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime endDate READ endDate WRITE setEndDate NOTIFY endDateChanged)
        explicit Event(QObject *parent = 0);
        QString name() const;
        void setName(const QString &name);
        QDateTime startDate() const;
        void setStartDate(const QDateTime &startDate);
        QDateTime endDate() const;
        void setEndDate(const QDateTime &endDate);
        void nameChanged(const QString &name);
        void startDateChanged(const QDateTime &startDate);
        void endDateChanged(const QDateTime &endDate);
        QString mName;
        QDateTime mStartDate;
        QDateTime mEndDate;
  • event.cpp

  • #include "event.h"
    Event::Event(QObject *parent) :
    QString Event::name() const
        return mName;
    void Event::setName(const QString &name)
        if (name != mName) {
            mName = name;
            emit nameChanged(mName);
    QDateTime Event::startDate() const
        return mStartDate;
    void Event::setStartDate(const QDateTime &startDate)
        if (startDate != mStartDate) {
            mStartDate = startDate;
            emit startDateChanged(mStartDate);
    QDateTime Event::endDate() const
        return mEndDate;
    void Event::setEndDate(const QDateTime &endDate)
        if (endDate != mEndDate) {
            mEndDate = endDate;
            emit endDateChanged(mEndDate);
  • sqleventmodel.h

    #include <QList>
    #include <QObject>
    class SqlEventModel : public QObject
        Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> eventsForDate(const QDate &date);
        static void createConnection();
  • sqleventmodel.cpp

  • #include "sqleventmodel.h"
    #include "event.h"
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QFileInfo>
    #include <QSqlError>
    #include <QSqlQuery>
    QList<QObject*> SqlEventModel::eventsForDate(const QDate &date)
        const QString queryStr = QString::fromLatin1("SELECT * FROM Event WHERE '%1' >= startDate AND '%1' <= endDate").arg(date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
        QSqlQuery query(queryStr);
        if (!query.exec())
            qFatal("Query failed");
        QList<QObject*> events;
        while (query.next()) {
            Event *event = new Event(this);
            QDateTime startDate;
            startDate.setTime(QTime(0, 0).addSecs(query.value("startTime").toInt()));
            QDateTime endDate;
            endDate.setTime(QTime(0, 0).addSecs(query.value("endTime").toInt()));
        return events;
        Defines a helper function to open a connection to an
        in-memory SQLITE database and to create a test table.
    void SqlEventModel::createConnection()
        //SQLite version 3 or above
        //defalut connectionName
        QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
        db.setDatabaseName(":memory:"); //based on memory
        if (!db.open()) {
            qFatal("Cannot open database");
        QSqlQuery query;
        // We store the time as seconds because it's easier to query.
        query.exec("create table Event (name TEXT, startDate DATE, startTime INT, endDate DATE, endTime INT)");
        query.exec("insert into Event values('Grocery shopping', '2014-01-01', 36000, '2014-01-01', 39600)");
        query.exec("insert into Event values('Ice skating', '2014-01-01', 57600, '2014-01-01', 61200)");
        query.exec("insert into Event values('Doctor''s appointment', '2014-01-15', 57600, '2014-01-15', 63000)");
        query.exec("insert into Event values('Conference', '2014-01-24', 32400, '2014-01-28', 61200)");
  • TestQC1Calendar.qml

  • import QtQuick 2.15
    import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
    import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
    import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
    import TestClasses.QC1.OfficialExampleCalendar 1.0
    Rectangle {
        width: 640
        height: 400
        color: "#f4f4f4"
        SystemPalette {
            id: systemPalette
        SqlEventModel {
            id: eventModel
        Flow {
            id: row
            anchors.fill: parent
            anchors.margins: 20
            spacing: 10
            layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
            Calendar {
                id: calendar
                width: (parent.width > parent.height ? parent.width * 0.6 - parent.spacing : parent.width)
                height: (parent.height > parent.width ? parent.height * 0.6 - parent.spacing : parent.height)
                frameVisible: true
                weekNumbersVisible: true
                selectedDate: new Date(2014, 0, 1)
                focus: true
                style: CalendarStyle {
                    dayDelegate: Item {
                        readonly property color sameMonthDateTextColor: "#444"
                        readonly property color selectedDateColor: Qt.platform.os === "osx" ? "#3778d0" : systemPalette.highlight
                        readonly property color selectedDateTextColor: "white"
                        readonly property color differentMonthDateTextColor: "#bbb"
                        readonly property color invalidDatecolor: "#dddddd"
                        Rectangle {
                            anchors.fill: parent
                            border.color: "transparent"
                            color: styleData.date !== undefined && styleData.selected ? selectedDateColor : "transparent"
                            anchors.margins: styleData.selected ? -1 : 0
                        Image {
                            visible: eventModel.eventsForDate(styleData.date).length > 0
                            anchors.top: parent.top
                            anchors.left: parent.left
                            anchors.margins: -1
                            width: 12
                            height: width
                            source: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/10_12used_QC1Calendar_Pinned.png"
                        Label {
                            id: dayDelegateText
                            text: styleData.date.getDate()
                            anchors.centerIn: parent
                            color: {
                                var color = invalidDatecolor;
                                if (styleData.valid) {
                                    // Date is within the valid range.
                                    color = styleData.visibleMonth ? sameMonthDateTextColor : differentMonthDateTextColor;
                                    if (styleData.selected) {
                                        color = selectedDateTextColor;
            Component {
                id: eventListHeader
                Row {
                    id: eventDateRow
                    width: parent.width
                    height: eventDayLabel.height
                    spacing: 10
                    Label {
                        id: eventDayLabel
                        text: calendar.selectedDate.getDate()
                        font.pointSize: 35
                    Column {
                        height: eventDayLabel.height
                        Label {
                            readonly property var options: { weekday: "long" }
                            text: Qt.locale().standaloneDayName(calendar.selectedDate.getDay(), Locale.LongFormat)
                            font.pointSize: 18
                        Label {
                            text: Qt.locale().standaloneMonthName(calendar.selectedDate.getMonth())
                                  + calendar.selectedDate.toLocaleDateString(Qt.locale(), " yyyy")
                            font.pointSize: 12
            Rectangle {
                width: (parent.width > parent.height ? parent.width * 0.4 - parent.spacing : parent.width)
                height: (parent.height > parent.width ? parent.height * 0.4 - parent.spacing : parent.height)
                border.color: Qt.darker(color, 1.2)
                ListView {
                    id: eventsListView
                    spacing: 4
                    clip: true
                    header: eventListHeader
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    anchors.margins: 10
                    model: eventModel.eventsForDate(calendar.selectedDate)
                    delegate: Rectangle {
                        width: eventsListView.width
                        height: eventItemColumn.height
                        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                        Image {
                            anchors.top: parent.top
                            anchors.topMargin: 4
                            width: 12
                            height: width
                            source: "qrc:/Icons/Used_Images/Icons/10_12used_QC1Calendar_Pinned.png"
                        Rectangle {
                            width: parent.width
                            height: 1
                            color: "#eee"
                        Column {
                            id: eventItemColumn
                            anchors.left: parent.left
                            anchors.leftMargin: 20
                            anchors.right: parent.right
                            height: timeLabel.height + nameLabel.height + 8
                            Label {
                                id: nameLabel
                                width: parent.width
                                wrapMode: Text.Wrap
                                text: modelData.name
                            Label {
                                id: timeLabel
                                width: parent.width
                                wrapMode: Text.Wrap
                                text: modelData.startDate.toLocaleTimeString(calendar.locale, Locale.ShortFormat)
                                color: "#aaa"


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