VB 读文件,将原信息是相对值,转为绝对值的方式

VB 读文件,将原信息是相对值,转为绝对值的方式

Option Explicit
' 定义坐标结构体类型
Private Type Coordinate
    X As Single
    Y As Single
End Type
Dim dict As Collection
Private Sub Command1_Click()
' 显示文件选择对话框
    CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
    CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "选择要打开的文件"
    CommonDialog1.Filter = "文本文件 (*.DMX)|*.DMX"
    CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
    CommonDialog1.FileName = ""


    ' 如果用户点击了“打开”按钮,则处理选定的文件
    If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then
        ' 在这里处理选中文件的逻辑
        Command1.Caption = CommonDialog1.FileName
        If Command2.Caption <> "单击选择文件" Then Command3.Enabled = True
        Command1.Caption = "单击选择文件"
        MsgBox "您取消了文件选择"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
' 显示文件选择对话框
    CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
    CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "选择要打开的文件"
    CommonDialog1.Filter = "文本文件 (*.HDM)|*.HDM"
    CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
    CommonDialog1.FileName = ""


    ' 如果用户点击了“打开”按钮,则处理选定的文件
    If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then
        ' 在这里处理选中文件的逻辑
        Command2.Caption = CommonDialog1.FileName
        If Command1.Caption <> "单击选择文件" Then Command3.Enabled = True
        Command2.Caption = "单击选择文件"
        MsgBox "您取消了文件选择"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ReadDMX()
    Dim filePath As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    Dim line As String
    Dim lineNumber As Integer
    Dim parts() As String

    ' 文件路径
    filePath = Command1.Caption

    ' 打开文件
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open filePath For Input As #fileNum

    ' 跳过第一行
    Line Input #fileNum, line

    ' 从第二行开始逐行处理
    lineNumber = 2
    Do Until EOF(fileNum)
        Line Input #fileNum, line
        line = Trim(line)
        parts = Split(line, vbTab)
        dict.Add parts(1), parts(0)
        'Debug.Print UBound(parts) & " " & line
        'Debug.Print parts(0) & "_" & parts(1)
        'Debug.Print "Line " & lineNumber & ": " & line

        ' 可以在这里进行其他操作,如解析数据等
        lineNumber = lineNumber + 1

    ' 关闭文件
    Close #fileNum
End Sub
Private Sub ReadHDM()
    Dim filePath As String
    Dim filePath1 As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    Dim fileNum1 As Integer
    Dim line As String
    Dim lineNumber As Integer
    Dim parts() As String
    Dim first As String
    Dim left_ As String
    Dim right_ As String

    ' 文件路径
    filePath = Command2.Caption

    ' 设置文件路径
    filePath1 = App.Path & "\res.csv"

    ' 打开文件以写模式写入
    fileNum1 = FreeFile
    Open filePath1 For Output As #fileNum1

    ' 打开文件
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open filePath For Input As #fileNum

    ' 跳过第一行
    Line Input #fileNum, line

    ' 从第二行开始逐行处理
    lineNumber = 2
    Do Until EOF(fileNum)
        Line Input #fileNum, line
        first = Trim(line)
        parts = Split(first, "    ")
        If UBound(parts) = -1 Then Exit Do    '最后一行没信息了,直接结束循环
        Line Input #fileNum, line
        left_ = Trim(line)
        left_ = ReplaceMultipleSpaces(left_)

        Line Input #fileNum, line
        right_ = Trim(line)
        right_ = ReplaceMultipleSpaces(right_)

        Call Calculate(first, left_, right_, fileNum1)   '计算并入文件内

        Line Input #fileNum, line    '跳一个空行
        lineNumber = lineNumber + 1    '累计多少组数据

    ' 关闭文件
    Close #fileNum
    Close #fileNum1
End Sub
Private Sub Calculate(first As String, left_ As String, right_ As String, fileNum As Integer)
    Dim parts() As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer

    Call AppendToCSVFile(first, fileNum)   '索引值先入表

    parts = Split(left_, " ")
    Dim previous As Coordinate
    Dim temp As Coordinate
    Dim arr() As Coordinate
    ReDim arr(Val(parts(0)))
    Dim s As String
    s = "0.000"

    j = 0
    previous.X = Format(0 + Val(Text1.Text), s)
    previous.Y = Format(dict.Item(first), s)

    For i = 1 To UBound(parts) Step 2
        arr(j).X = Format(previous.X - Val(parts(i)), s)
        arr(j).Y = Format(previous.Y + Val(parts(i + 1)), s)
        previous = arr(j)
        j = j + 1

    ' 获取数组的最大索引
    Dim lastIndex As Integer
    lastIndex = UBound(arr)

    ' 将数组倒序排列

    For i = 0 To lastIndex \ 2
        ' 交换 arr(i) 和 arr(lastIndex - i)
        temp = arr(i)
        arr(i) = arr(lastIndex - i)
        arr(lastIndex - i) = temp
    Next i

    For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
        Call AppendToCSVFile("," & arr(i).X & "," & arr(i).Y, fileNum)

    parts = Split(right_, " ")
    ReDim arr(Val(parts(0)))
    j = 0
    previous.X = Format(0 + Val(Text1.Text), s)
    previous.Y = Format(dict.Item(first), s)
    For i = 1 To UBound(parts) Step 2
        arr(j).X = Format(previous.X + Val(parts(i)), s)
        arr(j).Y = Format(previous.Y + Val(parts(i + 1)), s)
        previous = arr(j)
        Call AppendToCSVFile("," & arr(j).X & "," & arr(j).Y, fileNum)
        j = j + 1

End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
    If Not IsNumericVB6(Text1.Text) Then
        MsgBox "B的值必须是数值型"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim filePath As String
    filePath = App.Path & "\res.csv"
    Call ClearFile(filePath)

    Call ReadDMX
    Call ReadHDM
    MsgBox "计算完毕"
End Sub
Function IsNumericVB6(inputStr As String) As Boolean
    Dim numericValue As Double
    numericValue = Val(inputStr)

    ' 如果 Val 返回 0 并且输入字符串不为 "0",则不是数值
    If numericValue = 0 And inputStr <> "0" Then
        IsNumericVB6 = False
        IsNumericVB6 = True
    End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set dict = New Collection
End Sub

Function ReplaceMultipleSpaces(inputStr As String) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim result As String
    Dim isPreviousSpace As Boolean

    result = ""
    isPreviousSpace = False

    For i = 1 To Len(inputStr)
        If Mid(inputStr, i, 1) = " " Then
            If Not isPreviousSpace Then
                result = result & " "
            End If
            isPreviousSpace = True
            result = result & Mid(inputStr, i, 1)
            isPreviousSpace = False
        End If
    Next i

    ReplaceMultipleSpaces = result
End Function
Sub AppendToCSVFile(dataString As String, fileNum As Integer)
    Print #fileNum, dataString
End Sub

Sub ClearFile(filePath As String)
    Dim fileNum As Integer

    ' 打开文件以写入模式(清空文件)
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open filePath For Output As #fileNum

    ' 关闭文件
    Close #fileNum
End Sub


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