RabbitMQ 安装


RabbitMQ 官网地址:RabbitMQ: One broker to queue them all | RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ 与 Erlang 版本兼容关系

  • 3.13.0
  • 26.0
  • 26.2.x
  • The 3.13 release series is compatible with Erlang 26.

  • OpenSSL 3 support in Erlang is considered to be mature and ready for production use.

  • Erlang 26.1 and later versions supports FIPS mode on OpenSSL 3

  • 3.12.13
  • 3.12.12
  • 3.12.11
  • 3.12.10
  • 25.0
  • 26.2.x
  • The 3.12 release series is compatible with Erlang 26.

  • OpenSSL 3 support in Erlang is considered to be mature enough for production.

  • Erlang 26.1 and later versions supports FIPS mode on OpenSSL 3

  • 3.12.9
  • 3.12.8
  • 3.12.7
  • 3.12.6
  • 3.12.5
  • 25.0
  • 26.1.x
  • The 3.12 release series is compatible with Erlang 26.

  • OpenSSL 3 support in Erlang is considered to be mature enough for production.

  • Erlang 26.1 supports FIPS mode on OpenSSL 3

  • 3.12.4
  • 3.12.3
  • 3.12.2
  • 3.12.1
  • 3.12.0
  • 25.0
  • 26.0.x
  • The 3.12 release series is compatible with Erlang 26.

  • OpenSSL 3 support in Erlang is considered to be mature enough for production.

  • 3.11.28
  • 3.11.27
  • 3.11.26
  • 3.11.25
  • 3.11.24
  • 3.11.23
  • 3.11.22
  • 3.11.21
  • 3.11.20
  • 3.11.19
  • 3.11.18
  • 3.11.17
  • 3.11.16
  • 3.11.15
  • 3.11.14
  • 3.11.13
  • 3.11.12
  • 3.11.11
  • 3.11.10
  • 3.11.9
  • 3.11.8
  • 3.11.7
  • 3.11.6
  • 3.11.5
  • 3.11.4
  • 3.11.3
  • 3.11.2
  • 3.11.1
  • 3.11.0
  • 25.0
  • 25.3.x
  • Erlang 26 is supported starting with RabbitMQ 3.12.0.

  • As of Erlang 25.1, OpenSSL 3.0 support in Erlang is considered to be mature enough for production.

  • Erlang 25 before 25.0.2 is affected by CVE-2022-37026, a CVE with critical severity (CVSS 3.x Base Score: 9.8)

RabbitMQ 安装

下载地址:RabbitMQ: One broker to queue them all | RabbitMQ



管理界面的默认端口:15672 ,默认账户/密码: gurest/guest




rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management


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