第13章 专业英语

第13章 专业英语

13.1 服务(Service)

为满足顾客的需要,供方和顾客之间接触的活动以及供方内部活动所产生的结果。包括供方为顾客提供人员劳务活动完成的结果;供方为顾客提供通过人员对实物付出劳务活动完成的结果;供方为顾客提供实物使用活动完成的结果。(GB/T15624.1-2003服务标准化工作指南第1部分 总则)
Results produced from activities between the supply-side and customers and within the supply-side, in order to meet customer needs, including results from the supply-side providing personnel labor activity to the customer, results from the supply-side providingpersonnel labor activity of material objects to the customer, and results from the supply-side providing utility activity of material objects to the customer. (GB/T 15624.1-2003 Guidelines for standardization of Service, Part one General Provisions)

13.2 信息技术(Information Technology)

A generic term for an assortment of technologies used in information management and processing, mainly utilizing computer science and communication technology to design, develop, install and implement information system and application software. IT is also frequently referred to as information and communication technology, including computer technology, communication technology and sensor technology.

13.3 信息技术服务(Information Technology Service)

供方为需方提供如何开发、应用信息技术的服务,以及供方以信息技术为手段提供支持需方业务活动的服务。(GB/T 29264-2012信息技术服务分类与代码)


注2:依赖于 IT 或要求掌握与 IT 相关的管理、设计、开发、集成实施、运维等技术、方法或手段,以满足客户应用需求为目标,面向信息系统全生命周期各个环节提供的有关设计、开发、集成实施、运维服务,或面向客户业务运营需求、以 IT 为手段、提供支撑业务流程活动的运营服务。

The supplier provides to the demander services in regards to how to develop and applyinformation technology, as well as support to its business activities via means of informationtechnology.[GB/T 29264-2012 ITService classification and codes]

Note1: Mainly represented by IT-oriented service and IT-based service

Note2: Dependent on IT or mastery of technology, means, or methods of IT-related management, design,development, integration and implementation, operation andmaintenance etc., aimed at satisfying customer’s application needs, providing service of design.development, integration implementation, operation and maintenance etc., towards variouslinks of a full information system life cycle, or providing operation and management service ofsupporting business process activities, via means of IT, towards customer’s service operation needs.

13.5 业务流程(Business Process)

Business process is a series of activities completed by different personnel, respectively doingtheir tasks, in order to achieve specific value objectives. There are not only strict sequential limitsamong these activities, but their contents, methods, and responsibilities all require explicitarrangement and definition, to enable possible transfer of different activities in many roles

13.6 面向信息技术的服务(IT-Oriented Service)


Utilizing methods of consultancy and training, integrated development, and operation and maintenance etc., to provide construction and supportive service for information systems

13.7 基于信息技术的服务(IT-Driven Service)


Via information systems, provide facility, platform, software, and information etc.,services for businesses on the demand-side.

13.8 信息系统集成服务(Information System Integration Service)

Services provided, based on business needs on the demand-side, such as information system design and integrated implementation, as well as supportive services for the normal operation of software/hardware system and business on the demand-side.

13.9 集成实施服务(Integration Implementation Service)


Service that, through structural cabling system, computer network technology andsoftware technology, incorporates separated equipment, function and information into a correlative, unified and coordinated system.

13.10 运行维护服务(Operation Maintenance Service)

Adopting IT means and methods, based on service level needs required by the demander,provides comprehensive services like information system operating environment and business system etc. that the demander uses.

13.11 运营服务(Operation Service)



Based on needs of the demand-side, provides services, in part or total functions, ofleasing software application system, business support platform, information system infrastructure etc.
Note: In most cases, operation and maintenance and operation and management are two coexisting activities, which can be delivered simultaneously by the same IT service provider.

13.12 信息技术服务管理(Information Technology ServiceManagement(TsM))

为满足业务需求对信息技术服务进行的管理。(GB/T 24405.1-2009 信息技术 服务管理 第1部分 规范)

Management administrated upon IT service to meet businessneeds,(GB/T24405.1-2009 IT Service Management Part one Specifications)

13.13 信息技术治理(Information Technology Governance)


A set of governance rules concentrating on IT systems and its performance and risk control, consisting of leading-subordinating relationship,organizational structure, and processes, it’s applied to make sure that information technology can support strategic objectives of organizations.

13.14 过程 (Process)

使用资源将输入转化为输出的任何一项或一组活动均可视为一个过程。(GB/T19000-2008 质量管理体系 基础和术语)

Any one or any group of activities utilizing resources to transfer input into output can be(GB/T 19000-2008 Quality Management System Basics and Terms)viewed as a process.



IT 服务的过程也是知识创造价值的过程,把 IT 服务活动中相关的知识通过整理、分析进行知识提炼,纳入知识库,通过知识的复用、共享有助于提升组织的管理效率,降低IT服务成本,增值知识资产,提高运行维护服务的核心竞争力。作为系统规划与管理师,通过有效知识管理,将运维生产过程中产生的各类信息所包含的知识能够最大限度地提取、保留,通过评审后加以应用,能够提高运维响应速度和服务质量。






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