Fundamentals of Computer Science LCSCI4208

You will write a program in Java that reduces the size of an image horizontally by removing columns of pixels.
First the image will be read into the program using the method fromFileImage. You can query the image to get the Color of a given pixel using the getColorAt(int x, int y) method. Each pixel should be represented by a class Pixel containing all salient information about each pixel in the image.
Given any image, your program will allow the user to indicate whether to remove the bluest column, “b”, or a random column, “r”. The bluest column will use the metric of the sum of the blue value of the RGB value stored as a pixel’s colour. The column to be removed will be highlighted by the program. If removing the bluest, the chosen column will be shown as blue on the image. If the column is selected at random, it should be highlighted in red. The user will then confirm that the column should be removed by typing “d”.
This program can be broken down into smaller tasks: (i) representing the image file with a data structure of your choosing; (ii) finding the bluest column; (iii) removing a column; and (iv) user interaction in the world program.
The program should allow the following key events:
“b” to remove the bluest column
“r” to remove a randomly selected column
“d” confirms the removal and shows the image without that column
“u” undo the most recent deletion
This program also requires you to construct new images, one pixel at a time.
Your design might consider the use of a ComputedPixelImage object. You might
consider methods such as setPixel(int x, int y, Color c) that allows you to set an individual pixel, and setPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color c) that allows you to fill an entire rectangle’s worth of pixels with a single colour.
Finally, as you construct various examples of images, you may want to save them as files. For this you can use the method saveImage(String filename), which will save the current image as a PNG file. You may want to use this to make test cases for yourself.
In summary, this project asks:
1. Represent the PNG image using a data structure of your choosing
2. Compressing horizontally by removing columns of pixels
3. Columns at random: highlight in red
4. Columns with the highest sum of Blue in the colour: highlight in blue
5. Create a user interface that allows the user to select how deletion should
happen (random or bluest). The program then highlights the column and 
removes it upon user confirmation. The interface allows the user to undo any
number of deletions.


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