
1 概述


2 实例

2.1 参数设计


  • 登录ssh服务器,执行命令后退出。
  • 登录ssh服务器,运行交互shell。
  • 登录ssh服务器,执行上传文件/目录后退出。
  • 登录ssh服务器,执行下载文件/目录后退出。
  • 上传下载文件可以通过SCP或SFTP协议。


A ssh term of cmdline
Usage: FlySSH [OPTIONS] [src] [dst]

  --help                      Print this help message and exit
  -u,--user                   User for login server
  -P,--password               Password for login server
  -h,--host                   Host of ssh server
  -p,--port                   Port of ssh server
  -e,--exec                   Exec commands
  -i,--interactive            Run ssh shell
  -s,--subsystem ENUM:value in {
   scp->0,sftp->1} OR {
                              Subsystem: scp or sftp
  -d,--direction ENUM:value in {
   download->1,upload->0} OR {
                              Operation direction: upload or download
  -t,--target ENUM:value in {
   dir->1,file->0} OR {
                              Target type: file or dir

2.2 实现


2.2.1 头文件

#ifndef APPARGS_H
#define APPARGS_H
#include <CLI/CLI11.hpp>
#include <string>

enum class SubSystem : int {
    Scp, Sftp };
enum class Direction : int {
    Upload, Download };
enum class Target : int {
    File, Dir };
class AppArgs
    CLI::App app_;
    std::string user_;
    std::string password_;
    std::string host_;
    uint16_t port_ = 22;
    bool isInteractive_ = false;
    SubSystem subSystem_ = SubSystem::Sftp;
    Direction direction_ = Direction::Upload;
    Target    target_ = Target::File;
    std::string srcPath_;
    std::string dstPath_;

    bool parse(int argc, char *argv[]);
    void usage();

    std::string user() const {
    return user_; }
    std::string password() const {
    return password_; }
    std::string host() const {
    return host_; }

    uint16_t port() const {
    return port_; }

    bool hasCommand() const;
    std::string command() const;

    bool isInteractive<


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