


Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?



I live in a apartment.





“Actually, I live in an apartment, which is quite cozy and well-located in the heart of the city. It’s really convenient for getting around, you know, with shops and restaurants just a few steps away. I especially love the big windows in the living room because they let in so much light, making the whole place feel really bright and airy. It’s just the perfect size for me!”


“I especially love the big windows in the living room because they let in so much light, making the whole place feel really bright and airy.”其中,let in是用了拟人的手法吗?

在这个句子中,“let in”并没有使用拟人的手法。拟人是一种修辞手法,它赋予了无生命的事物或抽象概念以人的形态、特征或行为。而在这个表达中,“let in”实际上是一个常用的短语,意思是“允许进入”或“使进入”,在这里指的是光线被允许进入房间。


这样表述有点让我转不过弯来,为什么不这么表述:“I especially love the big windows in the living room because they are big enough so more light can come in, making the whole place feel really bright and airy.”


原来的表述 “let in so much light” 是一个比较常见的短语用法,用来描述光线通过某个开口(如窗户)进入一个区域。这种表达虽然简洁,但可能对于非母语者来说,“let in” 的用法需要一些语境来理解。



I live in an apartment and I’ve been living there for three years.

Can you tell me something about your flat/apartment?



Well, It’s well-located in the heart of the city, which is quite convenient for getting around. It’s on the eight floor, no elevator, which makes me a little tired to cllim up and down, but in other hand, it’s actually a good way to exercise. I live with 4 other people, all of us live in a single room except two girls share a room. My room is a little big than other rooms, and it has independent bath room, refrigerator and wash machine, even though cozy yet more expensive.




  1. 在英语中,楼层的表达应该是 “eighth floor” 而不是 “eight floor”。
  2. “cllim up and down” 中有一个多余的 ‘l’,正确的拼写是 “climb up and down”。
  3. 在 “but in other hand” 应该是 “but on the other hand”。
  4. “a little big than other rooms” 应改为 “a little bigger than the other rooms”。
  5. “independent bath room” 应该是 “independent bathroom” 作为一个词使用更常见。
  6. 为了提高自然度和流畅性,建议对句子结构做一些调整。


“Well, my apartment is really well-located right in the heart of the city, which makes getting around super convenient. It’s on the eighth floor and, believe it or not, there’s no elevator! Climbing up and down can be a bit tiring, but on the other hand, it’s a great workout.
I share the space with four others. We each have our own room, except for two of the girls who share. My room is a bit bigger than the others and comes with its own bathroom, a fridge, and a washing machine. It’s really cozy, though a tad more expensive.”


为什么有“makes getting around super convenient”这种说法?

因为getting around不是动词get的现在分词形式,而是动名词,意思为出行,四处走动

“I share the space with four others.”是“I share the space with four other people.”的简写
我的表述“We each have our own room, except for two of the girls who share.”有无问题,为什么改成“We each have our own room, except for two of the girls who share.”

你的原始表述 “all of us live in a single room except two girls share a room.” 在语法上有些不清晰和容易引起误解。这种表述可能让人误以为所有人都住在同一个房间,只有两个女生例外。此外,这个句子的结构也不够流畅。

我提供的改进版本 “We each have our own room, except for two of the girls who share.” 更清晰地传达了信息:每个人都有自己的房间,但有两个女生是共享一个房间的。这种表达方式避免了歧义,结构也更加合乎英语习惯。


  • We each have our own room 直接明确了每个人都有自己的独立空间。
  • except for two of the girls who share 这部分用 “except for” 引出例外情况,这是一种常用的结构,用来指出从一般情况中排除的特例,使整个句子的表达更自然、流畅。



Refrigerator 是 “fridge” 这个词的完整形式。在口语交流中,“fridge”更为常用,而在需要正式表述时,如在商业、科学或技术文档中,“refrigerator”可能更加适用。

“even though cozy yet more expensive.”这个表述有无问题?(有问题:“even though” 和 “yet” 的组合,在英语中并不常见)

你的表述 “even though cozy yet more expensive” 有些语法和逻辑上的问题,使得句子不够流畅和自然。这里的主要问题是使用了 “even though” 和 “yet” 的组合,这在英语中并不常见,且可能导致理解上的困难。


  1. Using “even though”:这个短语通常引导一个让步从句,表达尽管有某种情况,但还有另外一种情况。例如:“Even though it is cozy, it is more expensive.”(尽管它很舒适,但它更贵。)

  2. Using “but” instead of “yet”:如果你想在同一个句子中使用两个对比的事实,“but” 是更自然的选择。例如:“It is cozy, but more expensive.”(它很舒适,但更贵。)


  • “Even though it’s cozy, it’s more expensive.”
  • 或者简化为:“It’s cozy but more expensive.”


为什么Using “but” instead of “yet”?

在英语中,“but” 和 “yet” 都是并列连词,用来连接两个对立或对比的概念。然而,在使用上,它们的语境和语调有些不同,这影响了句子的自然度和流畅性。

  1. “But” 是最常用的对比连词,用于连接两个相对立的想法或情况。它的使用非常广泛,适用于正式和非正式语境,因此在口语和写作中都非常自然。

  2. “Yet” 虽然也可以用来表示对比,但通常在句子结构中承担稍微不同的角色。它经常用于更复杂的句型,尤其是在强调尚未完成或未达到预期结果的情况下。“Yet” 在正式文体中更常见,用来表达某种意外或反转的情绪。

在你的原始句子 “even though cozy yet more expensive” 中,使用 “yet” 可能会显得语法上不够准确,因为 “even though” 通常后接一个完整的从句(例如 “Even though it is cozy”), 而 “yet” 需要更明确的句子结构支持。

具体yet用法参考文章:【程序员英语】英语口语中 “but“ 与 “yet“ 的区别及 “yet“ 的常用用法和搭配

因此,使用 “but” 更合适,因为它提供了清晰的对比连接,同时保持句子简洁和流畅:

  • “Even though it’s cozy, it’s more expensive.”
  • 或者简化为:“It’s cozy, but more expensive.”


a tad more是什么?与a little more / a few more比较?

“a tad more”是一个非常口语化的表达,意味着“稍微多一点”或“略微多一点”。在英语中,它用来非正式地表示一点点的增加或差异,通常关联于质量、大小或程度上的微小变化。

  • 与 “a little more” 和 “a few more” 的比较:
    1. a little more

      • 这是一个常用的表达,也表示“稍微多一点”或“略微多一点”。
      • 它可以用于可数或不可数名词。例如,“a little more time”(再多一点时间)或 “a little more water”(再多一点水)。
      • “a little more”在正式和非正式场合都很常见,非常通用。
    2. a few more

      • 这个表达仅适用于可数名词,表示数量上的小增加。例如,“a few more books”(再多几本书)。
      • “a few more”强调数量的增加,而不是程度或质量。
    3. a tad more

      • 通常感觉更加口语化和随意。
      • 常用于强调程度的细微差别,适用于可数和不可数名词,如 “a tad more sugar”(再多一点点糖)或 “a tad more serious”(稍微严肃一点)。

总的来说,这三个表达都是描述增加的,但“a tad more”和“a little more”更倾向于描述程度上的微小差异,而“a few more”专门用于描述可数名词的数量增加。在选择使用哪一个时,主要看你想要表达的具体内容和语境的正式程度。


A: Um, sure. My apartment is not very big coz housing prices are sky-high in my hometown and I can’t afford to buy a huge apartment, There are two bedrooms, a small living room, a kitchen and a balcony where I like to do some reading or listen to music. I also stand there and do a little bit of star gazing sometimes, if the weather’s good and I can see stars of course.

Which part of your home do you like the most?



Actually, the location is the favorate part of my home. My home is in the heart of the city so it is really easy to get around, I can take buses or subways to get to the root of the moutain or get to the beach. It’s a wonderfull feeling to travel to faraway places without wasting too much time in commuting.



首先,单词选择方面有些小错误需要更正。例如,“favorate”应该是“favorite”,而“moutain”应该是“mountain”。然后,在表达上,“get to the root of the mountain”这个表达不太地道,一般我们会说“go to the mountain”或者“reach the mountain”。此外,“wonderfull”应拼写为“wonderful”。



Oh, absolutely, my favorite part of my home has to be its location. You see, it’s right in the heart of the city, which is super convenient. I mean, whether I want to head to the mountains or hit the beach, it’s all just a bus or subway ride away. It feels amazing, you know, being able to zip off to these cool places without spending too much time stuck in traffic or commuting. It’s just fantastic!

Do you plan to live there for a long time?



No, I’m not going to live there for a long time, the place where I live now is quite a suitable place for the people who aim to earn money but not for that who want to live a cozy live, the atmosphere here is full of anxiety, you can see everyone rush here and there, just for making their living, which makes me feel a little bitter.



首先,你的开头“No, I’m not going to live there for a long time,”非常清晰直接,很好地回答了问题。

接下来的部分,“the place where I live now is quite a suitable place for the people who aim to earn money but not for that who want to live a cozy live,”存在一些问题。首先,“for that who want to live a cozy live”应该改为“for those who want to live a cozy life”。这里应该使用“those”来指代人,而且应该用名词形式的“life”。

然后,你说“the atmosphere here is full of anxiety, you can see everyone rush here and there, just for making their living,”描述得很生动,但是表达可以更流畅一些。短语“just for making their living”可以更好地表达为“just to make a living”。

最后,“which makes me feel a little bitter,”虽然很好地表达了个人感受,但是用“bitter”来描述对忙碌环境的不适感可能有些过重。使用“uneasy”或“unsettled”可能会更加细腻地传达这种感觉。


“No, I don’t see myself living there for a long time. The place I’m currently living in is really geared towards people who are focused on earning money. It’s not ideal for those looking for a relaxed and cozy lifestyle. There’s a constant rush, with everyone hurrying around just to make ends meet, which honestly leaves me feeling a bit unsettled. It’s not really the vibe I’m looking for in the long run.”



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