


Be True to Yourself and Maintain a Sense of Relaxation


On the stage of life, each of us is the protagonist, yet often we lose ourselves in the gaze and expectations of others. We are eager to catch up and prove ourselves, as if stopping for a moment would mean being abandoned by the world. However, when we are exhausted from this hurried journey, have we ever considered that being true to ourselves and maintaining that rare sense of relaxation is the essence of life?


I remember when I was young, the old lady next door always sat on a bamboo chair at the door, squinting, basking in the sun, and her needlework was going on at a leisurely pace. At that time, I didn’t understand why the old lady could be so carefree while I was always anxious about my exam results and getting praised by teachers. Now I think about it, the old lady knew how to be true to herself. She didn’t compare herself with others, wasn’t disturbed by the noise of the outside world, but just lived an ordinary and satisfied life at her own pace.


Just like the dandelion swaying in the wind, it never deliberately pursues the direction of growth, but relies on the power of the wind, freely floating, and finally takes root in the right place. Shouldn’t we do the same? We don’t have to force things that don’t belong to us, and we don’t have to cater to others and change our original aspirations. Being true to oneself means understanding one’s own likes, understanding one’s own pursuits, and then going forward firmly.


Once, in order to fit into a so-called “excellent circle,” I desperately changed myself. I learned their way of speaking, imitated their interests, but in the process, I gradually lost my true self and became more and more confused. Until one day, when I saw the unfamiliar self in the mirror, I suddenly realized that such catering did not bring me true happiness and satisfaction.


Since then, I have started to re-examine myself and look for those dreams and passions that I once forgot. I like reading, so let myself immerse in the ocean of books; I love writing, so express my inner emotions with words. When I no longer care about the eyes of others, but focus on my own growth, I find that life becomes relaxed and beautiful.


Maintaining a sense of relaxation is not a slackening of life, but a wise attitude towards life. It allows us to face difficulties and setbacks calmly and calmly. Just like in a marathon, those who sprint at the beginning are often unable to persist until the end; while those who know how to adjust their rhythm and maintain relaxation can perform stably in the long race and finally reach the finish line.


We in life are always easily bound by various pressures and anxieties, forgetting to leave some breathing space for ourselves. We work overtime in our work, are cautious in interpersonal relationships, but ignore the needs of the heart. In fact, slowing down in time, appreciating the scenery along the way, making a cup of hot tea for yourself, reading a favorite book, or spending a leisurely afternoon with family and friends, these seemingly insignificant things can nourish our souls and allow us to regain the joy of life.


In this complex world, let us be true to ourselves and maintain that precious sense of relaxation. Like the stream in the mountains, it flows slowly but always converges into a tranquil lake; like the stars in the night sky, they do not compete with the bright moon, but still twinkle with their own light. May we all embrace the beauty of life with a peaceful heart and write our own wonderful chapters.


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