【C#】已知有三个坐标点:P0、P1、P2,当满足P3和P4连成的一条直线 与 P0和P1连成一条直线平行且长度一致,该如何计算P3、P4?


已知有三个坐标点:P0、P1、P2,当满足P3和P4连成的一条直线 与 P0和P1连成一条直线平行长度一致,该如何计算P3、P4?





# 示例坐标
x0, y0 = 1, 1 # P0坐标
x1, y1 = 4, 4 # P1坐标
x2, y2 = 2, 2 # P2坐标

# 计算直线P0P1的斜率
m = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)

# 设定P3和P4在x轴上的不同值
x3 = x2 - 1
x4 = x2 + 1

# 使用点斜式方程求P3和P4的y坐标
y3 = m * (x3 - x2) + y2
y4 = m * (x4 - x2) + y2

# P3和P4的坐标
P3 = (x3, y3)
P4 = (x4, y4)

P3, P4



斜率是数学中的一个概念,特别是在解析几何和平面直角坐标系中,用来描述一条直线倾斜程度的量。它定义为直线上任意两点之间的垂直变化量(即纵坐标的变化量,通常称为“上升”或“Δy”)与水平变化量(即横坐标的变化量,通常称为“运行”或“Δx”)之比。斜率通常用字母 m 表示。



需要注意的是,对于垂直线,由于水平变化量“Δx” 为零,所以斜率无法定义,因为这会导致分母为零,我们说垂直线的斜率是无穷大或未定义。








using System;
using System.Numerics; // For handling potential overflow with large numbers

public class LineIntersection
    public static Tuple<double, double>? FindPerpendicularIntersection(Tuple<double, double> p1, Tuple<double, double> p2, Tuple<double, double> p3, Tuple<double, double> p4)
        double dx1 = p2.Item1 - p1.Item1;
        double dy1 = p2.Item2 - p1.Item2;
        double dx2 = p4.Item1 - p3.Item1;
        double dy2 = p4.Item2 - p3.Item2;

        // Check for vertical and horizontal lines
        bool isVerticalLine1 = Math.Abs(dx1) < double.Epsilon;
        bool isVerticalLine2 = Math.Abs(dx2) < double.Epsilon;
        bool isHorizontalLine1 = Math.Abs(dy1) < double.Epsilon;
        bool isHorizontalLine2 = Math.Abs(dy2) < double.Epsilon;

        if (isVerticalLine1 && isVerticalLine2)
            // Both lines are vertical, check if they coincide
            if (Math.Abs(p1.Item1 - p3.Item1) > double.Epsilon)
                return null; // Lines do not intersect
        else if (isVerticalLine1)
            // Line 1 is vertical, Line 2 is not
            if (isHorizontalLine2)
                // Line 2 is horizontal, check intersection
                if (p3.Item1 <= p1.Item1 && p1.Item1 <= p4.Item1 || p4.Item1 <= p1.Item1 && p1.Item1 <= p3.Item1)
                    return Tuple.Create(p1.Item1, p3.Item2);
                    return null;
                // Calculate intersection of vertical line 1 and non-vertical line 2
                double m2 = dy2 / dx2;
                double b2 = p3.Item2 - m2 * p3.Item1;
                double y = m2 * p1.Item1 + b2;
                return Tuple.Create(p1.Item1, y);
        else if (isVerticalLine2)
            // Line 2 is vertical, Line 1 is not
            if (isHorizontalLine1)
                // Line 1 is horizontal, check intersection
                if (p1.Item1 <= p3.Item1 && p3.Item1 <= p2.Item1 || p2.Item1 <= p3.Item1 && p3.Item1 <= p1.Item1)
                    return Tuple.Create(p3.Item1, p1.Item2);
                    return null;
                // Calculate intersection of vertical line 2 and non-vertical line 1
                double m1 = dy1 / dx1;
                double b1 = p1.Item2 - m1 * p1.Item1;
                double y = m1 * p3.Item1 + b1;
                return Tuple.Create(p3.Item1, y);
        else if (isHorizontalLine1 && isHorizontalLine2)
            // Both lines are horizontal, check if they coincide
            if (Math.Abs(p1.Item2 - p3.Item2) > double.Epsilon)
                return null; // Lines do not intersect
        else if (isHorizontalLine1)
            // Line 1 is horizontal, Line 2 is not
            double m2 = dy2 / dx2;
            double b2 = p3.Item2 - m2 * p3.Item1;
            double x = (p1.Item2 - b2) / m2;
            return Tuple.Create(x, p1.Item2);
        else if (isHorizontalLine2)
            // Line 2 is horizontal, Line 1 is not
            double m1 = dy1 / dx1;
            double b1 = p1.Item2 - m1 * p1.Item1;
            double x = (p3.Item2 - b1) / m1;
            return Tuple.Create(x, p3.Item2);
            // Neither line is vertical or horizontal
            double det = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;
            if (Math.Abs(det) < double.Epsilon)
                // Lines are parallel or coincident
                return null;

            double x = (dx1 * (p3.Item2 - p1.Item2) - dy1 * (p3.Item1 - p1.Item1)) / det;
            double y = (dy2 * (p3.Item1 - p1.Item1) - dx2 * (p3.Item2 - p1.Item2)) / det;
            return Tuple.Create(x, y);

        return null; // Should never reach here


此外,如果两条直线实际上是平行的而不是垂直的(即 m1=m2​),则上述代码会抛出异常,因为这样的直线没有交点(除非它们是同一直线,在这种情况下,它们有无数个交点)。



using System;

public class CoordinateCalculator
{    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // 坐标1、坐标2、坐标3
        double[] coord1 = { 1.0, 2.0 };
        double[] coord2 = { 4.0, 6.0 };
        double[] coord3 = { 7.0, 8.0 };

        // 计算坐标4和坐标5
        double[][] results = CalculateCoordinates(coord1, coord2, coord3);

        // 输出结果
        Console.WriteLine("坐标4: (" + results[0][0] + ", " + results[0][1] + ")");
        Console.WriteLine("坐标5: (" + results[1][0] + ", " + results[1][1] + ")");

    public static double[][] CalculateCoordinates(double[] coord1, double[] coord2, double[] coord3)
        // 计算坐标1和坐标2连成的直线的方向向量
        double dx = coord2[0] - coord1[0];
        double dy = coord2[1] - coord1[1];

        // 计算坐标1和坐标2之间的距离
        double distance = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        // 归一化方向向量
        double directionX = dx / distance;
        double directionY = dy / distance;

        // 坐标4和坐标5是沿着方向向量和反方向向量的点
        double[] coord4 = { coord3[0] + directionX * distance, coord3[1] + directionY * distance };
        double[] coord5 = { coord3[0] - directionX * distance, coord3[1] - directionY * distance };

        return new double[][] { coord4, coord5 };






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