C++代码编程学习:基于对象的编程风格——习题5.1(Essential C++ 第五章)



  C++中面向对象编程风格的学习(Essential C++ 第五章)。


-P238 练习 5.1
  实现一个两层的 stack(堆栈)类体系。其基类是个纯抽象类 stack,只提供最简单的接口: pop()、push()、size()、empty()、full()、peek()和print() 。两个派生类则为LIFO_stack 和Peekbackstack。peekback stack可以让用户在不更改stack元素的前提下,访问任何一个元素。


    1. 基类是个纯抽象类 stack,只提供最简单的接口: pop()、push()、size()、empty()、full()、peek()和print()
    1. 派生类LIFO_stack;
    1. 派生类Peekbackstack;
    1. peekback stack可以让用户在不更改stack元素的前提下。



#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

typedef string elemType;

class Stack
    virtual ~Stack() {};
    virtual bool pop(elemType&) = 0;
    virtual bool push(const elemType&) = 0;
    virtual bool peek(int index, elemType&) = 0;

    virtual int top() const = 0;
    virtual int size() const = 0;

    virtual bool empty() const = 0;
    virtual bool full() const = 0;
    virtual void print(ostream & = cout) const = 0;


ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Stack& rhs)
    return os;

class LIFO_Stack : public Stack
    LIFO_Stack(int capacity = 0) : _top(0)
        // 逆向方式由尾端至前端遍历整个vector
        if (capacity) _stack.reserve(capacity);
    int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
    bool empty() const { return !_top; }
    bool full() const { return size() >= _stack.max_size(); }
    int top() const { return _top; }
    void print(ostream& os = cout) const;

    bool pop(elemType& elem);
    bool push(const elemType& elem);
    bool peek(int index, elemType&) { return false; }

    vector<elemType> _stack;
    int _top;


void LIFO_Stack::print(ostream& os) const
        rit = _stack.rbegin(), rend = _stack.rend();
    os << "\n\t";
    while (rit != rend)
        os << *rit++ << "\n\t";
    os << endl;

bool LIFO_Stack::pop(elemType& elem)
    if (empty()) return false;
    elem = _stack[--_top]; // 弹出一个元素,指针减一
    return true;
bool LIFO_Stack::push(const elemType& elem)
    if (full()) return false;
    return true;

class Peekback_Stack : public Stack
    Peekback_Stack(int capacity = 0) : _top(0)
        // 逆向方式由尾端至前端遍历整个vector
        if (capacity) _stack.reserve(capacity);
    int size() const { return _stack.size(); }
    bool empty() const { return !_top; }
    bool full() const { return size() >= _stack.max_size(); }
    int top() const { return _top; }
    void print(ostream& os = cout) const;

    bool pop(elemType& elem);
    bool push(const elemType& elem);
    bool peek(int index, elemType& elem);

    vector<elemType> _stack;
    int _top;


void Peekback_Stack::print(ostream& os) const
        rit = _stack.rbegin(), rend = _stack.rend();
    os << "\n\t";
    while (rit != rend)
        os << *rit++ << "\n\t";
    os << endl;

bool Peekback_Stack::pop(elemType& elem)
    if (empty()) return false;
    elem = _stack[--_top]; // 弹出一个元素,指针减一
    return true;
bool Peekback_Stack::push(const elemType& elem)
    if (full()) return false;
    return true;

bool Peekback_Stack::peek(int index, elemType& elem)
    if (empty()) return false;
    if ((index < 0) || (index >= size())) return false;
    elem = _stack[index];
    return true;

void peek(Stack& st, int index)
    cout << endl;
    string t;
    if (st.peek(index, t))
        cout << "peek: " << t;
        cout << "peek failed!";
    cout << endl;

int main()
    LIFO_Stack st;
    string str;
    while (cin >> str && !st.full())
    cout << '\n' << "About to call peek() with LIFO_Stack" << endl;
    peek(st, st.top() - 1);
    cout << st;

    Peekback_Stack pst;
    while (!st.empty())
        string t;
        if (st.pop(t))
    cout << '\n' << "About to call peek() with Peekback_Stack" << endl;
    peek(pst, pst.top() - 1);
    cout << pst;



代码是在 visual studio 中编写的,该软件还是比较好用的,我安装的是2022专业版;



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