C++ 中的返回值优化


// Created by w on 2024/6/19.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<typename T>
class myClass {
    myClass() {
        data = NULL;
        cout << "default construct" << endl;

    myClass(const T &para) {
        data = new T(para);
        cout << "construct with para" << endl;

    myClass(const myClass &other) {
        if (&other == this) {

        data = new T(*other.data);
        cout << "copy construct" << endl;

    myClass &operator=(const myClass &other) {
        if (&other == this) {
            return *this;
        if (data != NULL) {
            delete data;
        data = new T(*other.data);
        cout << "copy operator =" << endl;

        return *this;

    myClass(myClass &&other) {
        if (&other == this) {

        data = other.data;
        other.data = NULL;
        cout << "move construct" << endl;

    myClass &operator=(myClass &&other) {
        if (&other == this) {

            return *this;

        if (data != NULL) {
            delete data;

        data = other.data;
        other.data = NULL;
        cout << "move operator =" << endl;

        return *this;

    ~myClass() {
        if (data != NULL) {
            delete data;
        cout << "destruct" << endl;

    void print() {
        cout << *data << endl;

    T *data;

template<typename T>
myClass<T> f1() {
    return myClass<int>(1000);

template<typename T>
myClass<T> f2() {
    myClass<T> namedObj = myClass<int>(1000);
    return namedObj;

int main() {
        myClass<int> obj = f1<int>();
    cout << "############" << endl;
        myClass<int> obj = f2<int>();


construct with para
construct with para
move construct


g++ -fno-elide-constructors  classDemo.cpp -std=c++11   && ./a.out 

construct with para  (构造匿名对象)
move construct  (f1 用前面的匿名对象构造一个临时对象返回)
destruct (匿名对象析构)
move construct  (obj使用临时对象move构造)
destruct (临时对象析构)
destruct (obj析构)


construct with para  (构造匿名对象)
move construct (使用匿名对象构造具名对象)
destruct (匿名对象析构)
move construct  (使用具名对象构造临时对象)
destruct (具名对象析构)
move construct (使用临时对象构造obj)
destruct (临时对象析构)
destruct (obj析构)


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