

create table students(
id int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
sn int unsigned unique key,
name varchar(20) not null,
qq varchar(32) unique key


insert into students values(1, 123, '张飞', '45678');


insert into students (sn, name, qq) values(234, '关羽', '23456');


insert into students values (12, 126, '曹操', '12345'), (13, 127, '许攸', '34567');
insert into students (sn, name, qq) values (128, '孙权', '66666'), (129, '许攸', '88888');


insert into students values (13, 130, '曹操', '111111')  on duplicate key update sn=130, name='曹操', qq='111111'
  • – 0 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,但冲突数据的值和 update 的值相等
  • – 1 row affected: 表中没有冲突数据,数据被插入
  • – 2 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,并且数据已经被更新


replace into students (sn, name, qq) vlaues (20001, '曹阿瞒', '111222');
  • 1 row affected: 表中没有冲突数据,数据被插入
  • 2 row affected: 表中有冲突数据,删除后重新插入


create table exam_result(
id int unsigned primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20) not null,
chinese float default 0.0,
math float default 0.0,
english float default 0.0

insert into exam_result (name, chinese, math, english) values
('唐三藏', 67, 98, 56), 
('孙悟空', 87, 78, 77), 
('猪悟能', 88, 98, 90), 
('曹孟德', 82, 84, 67), 
('刘玄德', 55, 85, 45), 
('孙权', 70, 73, 78), 
('宋公明', 75, 65, 30);

1.select 列

select * from exam_result;

select id from exam_result;
select id, math, name from exam_result;

select id, name, math+chinese+english as total;

| name      | total |
| 唐三藏    |   221 |
| 孙悟空    |   242 |
| 猪悟能    |   276 |
| 曹孟德    |   233 |
| 刘玄德    |   185 |
| 孙权      |   221 |
| 宋公明    |   170 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

select distinct math from exam_result;

2.where 子句


比较运算符 说明
>, >=, <, <= 大于,大于等于,小于,小于等于
= 等于,NULL 不安全,例如 NULL = NULL 的结果是 NULL,无法比较
<=> 等于,NULL 安全,例如 NULL <=> NULL 的结果是 TRUE(1)
!=, <> 不等于,NULL 不安全,例如 NULL != NULL 和 NULL<>NULL 的结果都是 NULL
between a0 and a1 范围匹配,[a0, a1],如果 a0 <= value <= a1,返回 TRUE(1)
in(option, …) 如果是 option 中的任意一个,返回 TRUE(1)
is not NULL 不是 NULL
is not NULL 模糊匹配。% 表示任意多个(包括 0 个)任意字符;_ 表示任意一个字符
逻辑运算符 说明
and 多个条件必须都为 TRUE(1),结果才是 TRUE(1)
or 任何一个条件为 TRUE(1),结果就是 TRUE(1)
not 条件真假取反
select name, english from exam_result where english<60;

select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese>=80 and chinese<=90;

select name, math from exam_result where math=58 or math=59 or math=98 or math=99;
select name, math from exam_result where math in (58, 59, 98, 99);

select name from exam_result where where name like '孙%';

| name      |
| 孙悟空    |
| 孙权      |

select name from exam_result where name like '孙_';

| name   |
| 孙权   |

select name, chinese+math+english as total from exam_result where chinese+math+english<200;
//select name, chinese+math+english as total from exam_result where total<200;

select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese>80 and name not like '孙%';

select name, chinese, math, english, chinese+math+english as total from esam_result
where (name like '孙_') or (chinese+math+english>200 and chinese<math and english>80);

3.order by 子句

order by 子句用于对查询到的结果排序,如果没有 order by 子句,结果的顺序是未定义的,永远不要依赖于这个顺序
默认是 asc

注意:NULL 无法和其它值比较,升序会排在最前面,降序会排在最后面

select name, math from exam_result order by math asc;

select name, math, chinese, english from exam_result 
order by math desc, english asc, chinese asc;

select name, math+chinese+english as total from exam_result order by math+chinese+english asc;
//可以这么写吗?可以!!!因为是先把结果select出来,然后再执行order by排序
select name, math+chinese+english as total from exam_result order by total asc;

select name, math from exam_result where name like '孙%' or name like '曹_' order by math desc;



select * from exam_result limit 3; //从起始行开始,连续显示3行

select * from exam_result limit 2, 4; //从第2行(第0行是起始行),连续显示4行

select * from exam_result limit 4 offset 2; //从第2行(第0行是起始行),连续显示4行


update tb_name set column=expr [, column=expr …] [where …] [order by …] [limit …]
一般来说,update 通常要搭配 where 子句使用,否则就是对所有条目都更新。也就是说,update 的前置动作是查找

update exam_result set math=80 where name='孙悟空';

update exam_result set math=60, chinese=70 where name='曹孟德';

update exam_result set math=math+30 order by chinese+math+english asc limit 3;

update exam_result set chinese=chinese*2;



delete from tb_name [where …] [order by …] [limit …]
和 update 一样,delete 的通常查找的前置动作

delete from exam_result where name='孙悟空';

delete from exam_result order by math+chinese+english asc limit 1;

delete from exam_result;


truncate exam_result;

delete 和 truncate 都会清空表,但是 truncate 会将 auto_increment 计数器重置。(还有其它方面区别,后面讲事务时再提)


案例:将表 duplicate_table 去重

create table no_duplicate_table like duplicate_table;

insert into no_duplicate_table select distinct * from duplicate_table;

alter table duplicate_table rename to old_duplicate_table;
alter table no_duplicate_table rename to duplicate_table;



函数 说明
count 返回查询到的数据的数量
sum 返回查询到的数据的总和,只对数字有意义
avg 返回查询到的数据的平均数,只对数字有意义
max 返回查询到的数据的平均数,只对数字有意义
min 返回查询到的数据的最小值,只对数字有意义
select count(*) from exam_result; //相当于统计条目的个数

| count(*) |
|        7 |

select count(1) from exam_result;

| count(1) |
|        7 |

//原因在于执行select 1 from exam_result, 效果如下:
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 1 |

select count(math) from exam_result;

| count(math) |
|           7 |

select count(distinct math) from exam_result;

select sum(math) from exam_result;

select sum(math)/count(*) from exam_result;
select avg(math) from exam_result;

select count(*) from exam_result where english<60;

select avg(math+chinese+english) from exam_result;

//select name, max(math) from exam_result;
select max(math), min(math) form exam_result; //这样写是可以的,

七.分组查询——group by 子句

在 select 中使用 group by 子句,按照指定列分组,然后查询。
格式:select column1, column2, … from table group by column;

准备工作,创建一个雇员信息表(来自 oracle 9i 的经典测试表)

  • EMP 员工表
  • DEPT 部门表
  • SALGRADE 工资等级表
select deptno, avg(sal), max(sal) from EMP group by deptno; 

select deptno, job, avg(sal), min(sal) group by deptno, job;
//deptno, job相同的条目会分成一组

select deptno, avg(sal) as deptavg from EMP group by deptno having deptavg < 2000;

//说明:having是对聚合后的统计数据,进行条件筛选,通常和group by搭配使用

having VS where
having 和 where 都能做条件筛选,但它们的应用场景完全不同:

  1. where 对具体的任意列进行条件筛选
  2. having 对分组之后的结果进行条件筛选

八.SQL 查询中各个关键词的执行先后顺序

SQL 查询中各个关键字的执行先后顺序:
from > on> join > where > group by > with > having > select > distinct > order by > limit


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