1. Pick a topic.
o Decide on a product to sell. It can be any product that can be sold online. You may refer
to websites such as Lazada or Shopee to get some inspiration.
o Example:
Computer Store
Smartphone Store
Vitamins & Supplements Store
Kitchen Appliance Store
Bath & Body Store
Fitness & Training Store
Bedding Store
Furniture Store
2. Design the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
o Use a Crow’s Foot model to create the ERD.
o All tables and attributes must be named properly.
o All the primary and foreign keys must be clearly defined.
o All the relationships must be correctly labelled.
o Need to be finalised by the lecturer on the design.
3. Database Setup.
o Use MySQL to create the database based on the ERD.
4. Complementary Web Pages.
o Design some web pages which will complement the e-commerce platform:
The index page – design the home page.
The About Us page – Should include the information about the store, mission, vision and the members’ description with photo.
The Contact Us page – Include a form for visitors to give feedback. This feedback will be seen by the Administrator.
Terms and Conditions page.
Privacy Policy page.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.



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