Python 基础知识


import re
from collections import defaultdict

def wordcount(text):
    words = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text.lower())
    word_count = defaultdict(int)
    for word in words:
        word_count[word] += 1
    return dict(word_count)

text = """Got this panda plush toy for my daughter's birthday,
who loves it and takes it everywhere. It's soft and
super cute, and its face has a friendly look. It's
a bit small for what I paid though. I think there
might be other options that are bigger for the
same price. It arrived a day earlier than expected,
so I got to play with it myself before I gave it
to her."""

result = wordcount(text)


1. 需要下载按照扩展插件
2. 需要创建配置文件
3. 需要在代码左边点个点
4. 可以点下键到下一步


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