Boost Security with SSH/SFTP Public

  Boost Security with SSH/SFTP Public

  SocketTools .NET Edition eliminates password vulnerabilities and simplifies access management for secure file transfers and server communication.

  SocketTools .NET Edition by Catalyst Development Corp. is a development library designed to simplify adding internet functionality to your C# or Visual Basic applications. It provides managed .NET classes for tasks like file transfer, email communication, remote server management, and secure connections via TLS and SSH. The library offers private cloud storage and IP location lookup, eliminating the need for additional subscriptions or services.

  The SocketTools .NET Edition 11.0.2194.1712 release introduces public/private key authentication for SSH and SFTP, significantly improving security for server access within your applications. This eliminates the risk associated with storing passwords and simplifies key management for automated tasks, providing a more robust and user-friendly approach.



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