Keep Spreadsheets Responsive During Calculations

Keep Spreadsheets Responsive During Calculations

  SpreadJS 17.1.0 introduces incremental computation which helps maintain spreadsheet performance during even the most complex data processing.

  SpreadJS by MESCIUS is a JavaScript library offering a comprehensive spreadsheet solution for enterprise web applications. It delivers an Excel-like user experience with features like data tables, extensive charting, formatting options, and a powerful formula engine supporting over 500 functions. SpreadJS integrates with popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, enabling developers to build high-performance, customizable spreadsheet functionalities within their web applications.

  The SpreadJS v17.1 release enables incremental computation, which breaks down the entire calculation into pieces during execution. This enables responsiveness to user actions when the calculation task is large, preventing the UI from being unresponsive when a workbook has many formulas. Developers will only need to set the incrementalCalculation attribute of the Workbook class to true. This computation procedure is also displayed in the status bar.



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