oratcptest-测试Oracle Data Guard,RMAN备份恢复的网络延迟

Oracle designed a particular utility called oratcptest specifically to help customers assess network resources used by Data Guard redo transport, GoldenGate RMAN backup and restore, migration, Data Guard instantiation, and database remote clone.

Oracle 专门设计了一个名为 oratcptest 的特定实用程序,以帮助客户评估 Data Guard 重做传输、GoldenGate RMAN 备份和恢复、迁移、Data Guard 实例化和数据库远程克隆所使用的网络资源。

You can download the utility (jar file) from Oracle MOS Note 2064368.1, which includes a complete description of the utility. Scroll to the bottom of the MOS note, under Attachments, and click on oratcptest to download the oratcptest.jar file.


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